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-22ยบ. Almost time to clean the clubs off!

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Comments (12)

dmpcoco99 1/12/2017 5:42:12 PM
get the clubs on the back of the snowmobile

Egor 1/11/2017 10:52:45 PM
That's barely a one-wire snow.

JayPet 1/9/2017 6:04:39 AM
My Lord! That looks horrible. The rest of Canada is down here stealing my good tee times.

Dandy 1/9/2017 12:02:54 AM
What's this about Vince's 5 wood? Did he Rory it into a lake or something?

HIGH_LANDER 1/8/2017 5:06:02 PM
try playing the 2017 NGT, in that snow.

Vincedaddy 1/8/2017 5:02:58 PM
Our high today was 22.

HIGH_LANDER 1/8/2017 4:52:48 PM
WOW! Awesome view of snow. I, wonder if Vince can find his 5-wood there?

Mongo68 1/8/2017 3:13:50 PM
Don't be a wimp Trevor! I can see Vince in picture walking in the woods trying to recover his driver in the pine tree.
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