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How do you survive in brutal heat? Drink water, lots of water.

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Comments (5)

Scott Harris 9/28/2016 1:55:39 PM
Duh . . . . does a Vince pee in the woods ??

DM3 9/20/2016 3:31:42 PM
Did you check for a ticks?

Vincedaddy 9/19/2016 9:43:11 PM
Per round consumption
16 fl oz soda
64 fl oz beer
64 fl oz gatorade
128 fl oz water

that does not include pre and post round intake.

HIGH_LANDER 9/19/2016 8:34:58 PM

JayPet 9/19/2016 8:10:12 PM
I drank 4 Gatorades and refilled each bottle twice with water... never peed once.

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