Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Pacific Grove - JayPet & PhilippeR.JPG
Got play 18 with Stracka member PhilippeR; who was nice enough to reach out to me when he saw I was going to be in Monterey. It was a true pleasure to play with and get to know him. We played Pacific Grove, which is about 15 mins. down the road from Pebble. It's a short, old, tired track but the company was first-class and gracious!

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Comments (7)

Vincedaddy 2/10/2014 6:15:21 PM
I have found it better to have good company on a bad course than bad company anywhere(unless they are paying, lunch included), even better if there is a nice buffet!

cogolfer1 2/10/2014 4:51:36 PM
Wow Jay!

Mongo68 2/10/2014 2:50:12 PM
Stupendous! Ahh yes, PhillippeR! I've seen that name around here sometimes.

JayPet 2/10/2014 12:34:34 PM
Fitting that the 2 of you would comment first because Philippe is class personified! Just like the 2 of you!!

HIGH_LANDER 2/10/2014 12:15:38 PM
Hello Guys have fun.

njgolfer 2/10/2014 12:10:32 PM
Looking good.

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