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Club is perfectly in line with my forearm. I am in a powerful position to deliver the clubhead with speed on-plane.

I have also kept my spine tilt consistent which will help deliver the clubhead and reduce pressure on my back.

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Comments (8)

Duckhunter 11/26/2012 11:49:10 AM
looks good there

Racer888 11/24/2012 10:18:24 AM
so far so good

car12old 11/23/2012 9:39:44 AM
Hope all this works for you.

dmpcoco99 11/22/2012 6:09:18 PM
I tend to cup also

Mark Simmons 11/22/2012 3:15:14 PM
Now one of the variations at this point that you will see between good players is the position right elbow. Some will have it tucked into the side like Connor, others will have it some distance from the body. Now if you do the latter you must tuck the elbow in at the beginning of the downswing, otherwise you'll have power leaks all over the place. Now if you have that move well ingrained--great! If not, can you see the advantage of keeping it tucked? It simplifies the swing.

LyinLewis 11/21/2012 8:12:26 PM
For awhile I did not like the cup in my wrist, however it occurs naturally and I have learned not to fight my nature.

HIGH_LANDER 11/21/2012 6:23:17 PM
Swing it like a Pro!

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