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12 golf photos were found.
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5-14-09 036.JPG
443 Views     2 Comments
Posted by clshep
5/17/2009 9:10:07 AM

5-14-09 034.JPG
287 Views     4 Comments
Posted by clshep
5/17/2009 9:03:04 AM

Logan Tee's Up
323 Views     1 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/31/2008 11:39:16 AM

Mike Stein
269 Views     3 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/31/2008 11:27:42 AM

FMG logo
217 Views     1 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/31/2008 11:26:22 AM

Lucky, with some special effects.
242 Views     3 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/31/2008 11:25:16 AM

232 Views     1 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/29/2008 11:35:21 PM

Steve Beasley's crappy swing.
280 Views     4 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/29/2008 11:33:37 PM

My crappy swing
239 Views     4 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/29/2008 11:31:57 PM

Shauna, our Beer Girl
394 Views     12 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/29/2008 11:16:46 PM

My Crew
203 Views     1 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/29/2008 11:15:24 PM

235 Views     2 Comments
Posted by clshep
7/29/2008 11:13:52 PM
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