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The dreaded "Chicken Wing"
Professional Champion
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I've fought it my whole life, well...the 50 years I've been playing. Anyone else dealt with this? Better yet, anyone found a cure?

I'm sure it accounts for some (maybe a lot) of the variance in my tee shots...which have always been inconsistent to some degree and typically miss to the right.

I know there are a few pros who can play the CW, but I'd prefer to get rid of mine. I've seen a lot of articles online with drills etc. for addressing this, but I was hoping to hear from someone with some first hand success.
Professional Champion
# 1    8/12/2015 8:54:55 PM   
I battle it all the time. If I reach for the target, it goes away and so do my fat shots. I fall into it though when trying to hold off on a shot, when between irons.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 2    8/12/2015 9:45:14 PM   
don't know if you play right handed or left handed. If you play right handed, then just attempt to hit the ball with your right side(feeling) and make sure your right arm is fully extended at contact.

Mark Simmons
# 3    8/13/2015 1:03:14 AM   
Getting fully extended as Pappy and Don said is certainly what you want. But besides focusing on that with full swings, I've found this helpful.

Make practice swings in your back yard keeping the back elbow close to your side on the backswing. Extend your arms when the club passes through the impact zone on the downswing and then bring your front side elbow close to your body as the club moves beyond the impact zone into the follow through. Repeat. When you get a little more comfortable with this drill swing back and forth continuously in this manner. Do this for as many days or weeks as it takes to ingrain a more connected swing.

1. Make sure you maintain your proper setup posture and rotate around your body. An up and down swing with a fake shoulder turn won't get you to your destination.
2. When you go out to play don't try to 'do the drill'. The drill is just that.
3. Don't be surprised if you develop a hook once the chicken wing disappears. The chicken wing you've had holds off the face rotation. You can get rid of the hook by turning harder and/or weakening your grip.