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An experiment I'm going to try
Professional Champion
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I haven't played in a while because of weather, work, life, etc. But the next time I go out, I'm going to try something that I've always thought would be interesting.

I'm going to leave my woods (e.g. metals) in my trunk and play the round with my irons. I know this is going to make the Par 5's three shot GIRs. It's also going to force me to hit longer approach shots.

But it's also going to eliminate my big numbers (e.g. hitting three off the tee). I suspect what I'll find is a trade-off between the big numbers and more bogeys and doubles due to the longer approach shots. I'll still be hitting a lot of short irons into greens because the course I regularly play is fairly short and I have above average length...but there's still no doubt that I'll be hitting more 7,8,9's and full wedges, rather than 3/4 wedges, Gap wedges and my 56 degree.

Have any of you ever tried this? Just wondering what you results were.
# 1    12/1/2014 8:21:11 PM   
During my last round I had a melt down on #16 and broke both my 3W and 5W. I finished my round with irons only. Hole 17 is a short par 4, I shot a 6. Hole 18 is a medium length par 5, I shot a 13. I hope you find this information helpful to your decesion making process.

# 2    12/1/2014 8:26:56 PM   

During my last round I had a melt down on #16 and broke both my 3W and 5W. I finished my round with irons only. Hole 17 is a short par 4, I shot a 6. Hole 18 is a medium length par 5, I shot a 13. I hope you find this information helpful to your decesion making process.

Don't listen to Vince. He's the exception to the rule. What he isn't telling you is that he 4 putted 17 and 10 putted 18, or so I've been told. I have yet to see the score posted from his round 5 days ago.

# 3    12/1/2014 11:58:38 PM   

During my last round I had a melt down on #16 and broke both my 3W and 5W. I finished my round with irons only. Hole 17 is a short par 4, I shot a 6. Hole 18 is a medium length par 5, I shot a 13. I hope you find this information helpful to your decesion making process.

Don't listen to Vince. He's the exception to the rule. What he isn't telling you is that he 4 putted 17 and 10 putted 18, or so I've been told. I have yet to see the score posted from his round 5 days ago.

I three putted 18. It was the 6 chips back and forth across the green that killed me.

Don't expect to see that score posted. We were low on TP and I had to improvise with the scorecard. Odd thing about that, it didn't look different afterwards. Go figure...

# 4    12/2/2014 4:58:56 AM   

During my last round I had a melt down on #16 and broke both my 3W and 5W. I finished my round with irons only. Hole 17 is a short par 4, I shot a 6. Hole 18 is a medium length par 5, I shot a 13. I hope you find this information helpful to your decesion making process.

Don't listen to Vince. He's the exception to the rule. What he isn't telling you is that he 4 putted 17 and 10 putted 18, or so I've been told. I have yet to see the score posted from his round 5 days ago.

I three putted 18. It was the 6 chips back and forth across the green that killed me.

Don't expect to see that score posted. We were low on TP and I had to improvise with the scorecard. Odd thing about that, it didn't look different afterwards. Go figure...


# 5    12/2/2014 8:09:43 AM   

During my last round I had a melt down on #16 and broke both my 3W and 5W. I finished my round with irons only. Hole 17 is a short par 4, I shot a 6. Hole 18 is a medium length par 5, I shot a 13. I hope you find this information helpful to your decesion making process.

Don't listen to Vince. He's the exception to the rule. What he isn't telling you is that he 4 putted 17 and 10 putted 18, or so I've been told. I have yet to see the score posted from his round 5 days ago.

I thought when Vince mentioned those scores, he was bragging. He normally shoots an 8 on #17 and a 14 on #18.

I watched Tin Cup last night for a little bit. Maybe try using just your 7 iron???

# 6    12/2/2014 9:17:22 AM   
I played a round last year after the season ended using a 7 iron on the front and adding the putter on the back. Played from the forward tees and didn't make any earth shaking discoveries. It was just to see if it made any real difference in my score and I don't think it did.

I have a few things on my off season to-do list. The way the weather has been looking I'm not sure if I'll get all of them in. I want to take out the top end of my bag and play from the 3 hybrid down on my usual tee box. I'm going to try the dink and dunk fairway approach to see how that works out. I also want to re-grip my cavity back irons and try a few rounds with those. I want to see if two years with the blades has helped my ball striking and if that gives better results with (Ahem..) "an iron that better suits my game".

I'll still maintain that most of my lost shots are within 70 yards of the pin, but I'll see if throttling back from the tee can save a few strokes here or there. Never know...

Scott Harris
Professional Champion
# 7    12/2/2014 9:23:06 AM   

During my last round I had a melt down on #16 and broke both my 3W and 5W. I finished my round with irons only. Hole 17 is a short par 4, I shot a 6. Hole 18 is a medium length par 5, I shot a 13. I hope you find this information helpful to your decesion making process.

Don't listen to Vince. He's the exception to the rule. What he isn't telling you is that he 4 putted 17 and 10 putted 18, or so I've been told. I have yet to see the score posted from his round 5 days ago.

I three putted 18. It was the 6 chips back and forth across the green that killed me.

Don't expect to see that score posted. We were low on TP and I had to improvise with the scorecard. Odd thing about that, it didn't look different afterwards. Go figure...

We know what to get Vince for Christmas now ..... woods ..... and TP !

Scott Harris
Professional Champion
# 8    12/2/2014 9:40:26 AM   
At an outing a few years back, we were getting rained out and looking for something to do. We wondered what it would be like to try and play with only 1 club .... tee to hole out. Thus, I created the "Five Iron Challenge", which we still have fun with years later. It was interesting to see how creative people could get by having to use a club for shots it was not intended for. The scores were not as bad as you'd think ! Have fun with trying something new ....