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True story or not? Gary Player question
jschauer Schauer
Professional Champion
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I was golfing with a friend of mine that I don't get to see very often.

We were talking about bunker shots

He told me that Gary player (when he was young) was not allowed to come inside for dinner until he holed a bunker shot from the practice green in his back yard. My buddy told me that Gary Players dad built him a green with a bunker and forced him to practice every day chipping, putting and sand shots. However his dad was VERY strict on sand shots and would make him stay out all night till he drained one in the cup.

Is this a true story?

If so that's pretty amazing but hard to believe for me.
Professional Champion
# 1    7/10/2014 2:15:30 PM   
No, I don't think it is..

# 2    7/11/2014 8:37:30 AM   
Never heard that one before !
It does not mean it's not true though, while Player is still alive, why not send an email to him to confirm ?

I highly doubt it since Gary grew up in an average family not like some other tour players with a silver spoon in the mouth.
Really doubt his father built a putting green and a bunker for him.
I did hear ( from the horse's mouth ) that he would go to a local salt mine and hit practice ball all day. He once told Ben Hogan of how much he practiced, Ben was silenced for a moment then replied " go hit some more "............

# 3    7/11/2014 6:52:47 PM   
Haven't heard that. I do recall reading that Gary Player did practice bunker shots a lot however. As the story goes he was observed hitting several during practice that either went in the hole or were very close. The observer commented about how lucky he was with his bunker shots and Player responded that the more he practiced the luckier he got!

Shawn Overley
Professional Champion
# 4    7/14/2014 12:22:25 PM   
never heard that but he would practice for hours and set a goal of a certain number to make before he would work on something else.

The story about the quote happened in Texas. He holed a bunker shot just as a man was walking by. The guy said $50 if you do it again. He did. The man said $100 for another. He holed that one for three straight. The man said he's the luckiest guy he ever saw. You know the rest.