Community  /  Forums  /  Any fellow Arizona golfers?
Any fellow Arizona golfers?
Thomas Noblet
Professional Champion
235 Views    2 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
I am in the Mesa area looking to golf with fellow club members. Mostly weekend.
# 1    4/13/2014 6:44:20 AM   
You'll probably get a better response if you post to your own club's page here:

Posting to the forums here posts to the entire world and there aren't more than about 200 people that use these forums on a regular basis so your chances of finding someone near you are slim even though you posted to the Southwest and Pacific forum page.

# 2    4/13/2014 7:29:15 AM   

You'll probably get a better response if you post to your own club's page here:

Posting to the forums here posts to the entire world and there aren't more than about 200 people that use these forums on a regular basis so your chances of finding someone near you are slim even though you posted to the Southwest and Pacific forum page.

Check the scores feed on you club page too. See who is playing the same courses or at least in the same general area as you.

Mongo68 OtterMan08