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Winter Practice Regime
Professional Champion
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Since a large potion of us are unable to play during the winter, I was looking to see how you practice during the winter months.

For me, I did acquire a very large putting/chipping mat that now resides in my basement and it allows me to practice chipping/putting. I practice every night for about an hour working on my form to be able to chip the ball at my target consistently as well as practice putting while focusing on keeping putter square at impact and distance control as I am horrible at lag putting.

I do have a driving range set up in my garage where I hit foam balls as long as it is not below 30 degrees since it is not heated. The down fall is that I do not know what my ball is actually doing but it does allow me to keep my swing in check and work on form and hitting ball first.

I will turn 49 years old in a couple of weeks and have begun a workout program to lose weight, increase strength as well as improve flexibility and balance.

What I would like to know is what can I do to improve proximity to the hole or GIR indoors during the winter months. January is when I kick it up a notch with practicing more for the upcoming season.
# 1    12/28/2013 12:07:24 PM   
I putt and chip in my basement. That part of my game stays fresh. The full swing? Not so much.

# 2    12/28/2013 1:02:51 PM   

I putt and chip in my basement. That part of my game stays fresh. The full swing? Not so much.

Got to practice my full swing yesterday while on the course. Sometimes this time of the year I can't always wear shorts. I hate those days!

Mark Simmons
# 3    12/28/2013 9:38:43 PM   
I will turn 49 years old in a couple of weeks and have begun a workout program to lose weight, increase strength as well as improve flexibility and balance.

Jim, I did the same starting at about your age and it really has paid off big time. I hit the ball farther than I ever have and finish every round as strong as I start. Just wanted to encourage you that there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. One of those payoffs is progress on that last goal you listed. Hitting it farther and more consistently leads to shorter approach shots from better positions, which will certainly help your proximity to the hole.

# 4    12/29/2013 12:31:09 PM   
With the shorter days I am unable to play after work therefore I have to make excuses so I can leave work early enough to get in a round.

My serious response is to work on flexibility by doing lots of stretching and some exercises to increase my core strength. I'm not a big guy so I need to find power where I can.

I also want to play some practice rounds using two balls and include additional chipping practice around the greens. If I can learn to chip out of dormant bermuda with clumps of Poa Annua grass, I'll be able to chip out of anything!

Might even include getting out of hard pan bunkers with a putter.
tee box #8 EVGC West
bunker putt