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Importance of the early wrist set
Professional Champion
140 Views    18 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Recently my pro remarked AGAIN that I fail to really set my wrists before reaching the top of my swing- and he thinks that failure contributes to my failure to get the club laid off and to bring it down with a later release, loss of distance.

So I committed to just do it. I am trying to ingrain an early FULL wrist set while my hands are still over the ball-- actually see wrinkles in my left wrist. Then take it up slightly outside and then throw it over behind me. That works! I played a course doing that Saturday and shot a really good score-- hit the ball further off the tee than I have in years.

I must do my backswing in two steps-- and that isn't ideal for a dynamic swing, and it sure isn't what I was accustomed to doing. To prove that, I hit a small bucket yesterday and FORGOT to make that full set until I had only a few balls left. When I picked up driver, I remembered. This is going to be a very difficult swing change.

I see my head coming UP instead of going down further during my downswing, as my arms pass through impact. That is a minor fault. I am working on it with my teaching pro. The answer is to have my butt move BACK as I squat and pivot. Very different. The answer, once again, is to rehearse it over and over again in slow motion. He doesn't believe anyone ever learned anything while doing it at full speed.

jschauer Schauer
Professional Champion
# 1    8/13/2013 2:51:36 PM   
People ask me many times, Jonathan... what are your swing thoughts, what are the secretes that the golf pros know. Well.. I heard this one time, and uh if you write this down it'll really help. I try to flat load my feet so I can snap load my power package that way I can both amplify both lag and drag pressure through impact.

You need to do the same,

Professional Champion
# 2    8/13/2013 4:41:40 PM   

... what are the secretes that the golf pros know. Well.. I heard this one time, and uh if you write this down it'll really help....

Yes, sounds like a total secretion.

Mark Simmons
# 3    8/13/2013 6:39:50 PM   
Larry, this might sound a little silly, but it will work. Find a notecard or a piece of paper that size. Write on it: "FULL wrist set while my hands are still over the ball-- actually see wrinkles in my left wrist. Then take it up slightly outside and then throw it over behind me." Now put it in your bag right in front of where you keep your golf glove. Every time you go to hit balls or play, pull out that notecard and read it to yourself.

I'm not kidding! It is amazing how quickly we forget things and I've used this technique many times to ingrain a change. If you will do this every time, it will only be a few weeks or months and you will have ingrained a new pattern.

Mark Simmons
# 4    8/13/2013 6:43:44 PM   
For others reading...

What Larry is attempting to do is very helpful for players that have a hard time getting the club fully cocked. However, it is not a panacea. There have been many fine golfers with late, early and in between wrist cocks. The key is to get it completed by the time you reach the top so you have a chance of keeping it cocked until your hands reach your back thigh on the way back down.

Professional Champion
# 5    8/13/2013 6:51:56 PM   

Larry, this might sound a little silly, but it will work. Find a notecard or a piece of paper that size. Write on it: "FULL wrist set while my hands are still over the ball-- actually see wrinkles in my left wrist. Then take it up slightly outside and then throw it over behind me." Now put it in your bag right in front of where you keep your golf glove. Every time you go to hit balls or play, pull out that notecard and read it to yourself.

I'm not kidding! It is amazing how quickly we forget things and I've used this technique many times to ingrain a change. If you will do this every time, it will only be a few weeks or months and you will have ingrained a new pattern.

Thanks!!! I will do that. I will play a round tomorrow. Will do that during the warmup and maybe on the first tee. If necessary I will take my reminder card to every shot on the course, ha.

Worked with the pro today. Of course I do that early wrist set every swing while he is watching. My persistent fault is with driver (and probably any long club) is that I fail to stay down through impact. My head raises up instead of going lower! I tend to lift up even when I don't need to. When we cast, we lift up to avoid striking the ground too soon. Now with the full early set, I don't cast. So I would not hit the ground behind the ball; I could and should stay down. But lifting up (humping the goat), is an ingrained bad habit.

I know the fix is to feel my butt move BACK away from the ball through impact, my weight shifting from my left to my right HEEL as I squat and pivot. Easy to say, however. I don't have it yet. But I will not stop working to get it.


Professional Champion
# 6    8/14/2013 3:02:52 PM   
I disagree with about everything you just typed. My references are Moe Norman, Ray Floyd, and even Freddy Couples.

Professional Champion
# 7    8/14/2013 7:03:12 PM   
I played today, working to make that full wrist set before swinging. It works when I do it, but interrupting the full fluid backswing sometimes really screwed me up. I couldn't shift and swing through. But when I did, I nailed that sucker! I hit a few drives 270ish, and that's what I was after.

I need to make the full set part of a full smooth backswing now-- and add the full layoff that really sets the back elbow in tight, which triggers the hips and weight shift, etc. etc.

With longer clubs I still need ALSO to remember to push my lead shoulder UNDER to start my backswing-- avoid standing up and turning my shoulders flat. That nearly always leads to a shallow strike, or even a topped ball.

But I will rehearse it over and over again. That's why we have driving ranges!


Professional Champion
# 8    8/14/2013 8:30:11 PM   

I played today, working to make that full wrist set before swinging. It works when I do it, but interrupting the full fluid backswing sometimes really screwed me up. I couldn't shift and swing through. But when I did, I nailed that sucker! I hit a few drives 270ish, and that's what I was after.

Sorry, Larry, but I don't buy it. 270? Was the course hard-packed desert...

...and severely downhill?

So here he is, doing the same things that got him banned from every other golf discussion forum. I post, he posts a harassing reply. I post, he posts. On the usenet, by his own count, he INSTANTLY posted after mine 67 times in the last few days! Obviously he is lurking there and here and everywhere I might post-- poised to post another disruptive message. This is what he "does." He has no other job. He just sits up there in Vancouver and posts to the Internet.

I have reported him to the moderators here several times/ If he is allowed to stay here, I will be gone.

But I have seen his pattern for years. He will just select another target and harass him. As he did me, he will telephone his home and business. He will contact his business relations if he can determine who they are. He needs entertainment. He needs to foment a nasty angry response. He LOVES THAT!

So y'all have fun with Alan Baker.


Tim Conroy
Professional Champion
# 9    8/15/2013 1:13:43 AM   
I thought the wrist set occurred naturally as the right elbow collapses, during a good deliberate take away.

Larry, could you to explain how the "tight back elbow triggers the hips and weight shift."

# 10    8/15/2013 6:16:52 AM   

I have reported him to the moderators here several times/ If he is allowed to stay here, I will be gone.

So y'all have fun with Alan Baker.



# 11    8/15/2013 6:25:37 AM   

I have reported him to the moderators here several times/ If he is allowed to stay here, I will be gone.

Momma Whitaker!!!!!!!!! Your boy needs his diaper changed.

Would you mind telling me how to do that? Because there are a few posts of yours I'd like to report...

There is a button below every comment that says "Report Abuse" then you get an option of different reasons why. It's for chumps Alan don't go there.

Sorry, Larry, but what did [b][i]I[/i][/b] say that was so objectionable: that I doubted your claims? I think you'll find that if you put it to a vote, there are very few who don't; hardly any wouldn't doubt them if they knew your full history.

It doesn't take his full history, and I wouldn't care to know about it personally. He has only been here for a few month's and many people have already come to that conclusion.

# 12    8/15/2013 10:45:21 AM   

I have reported him to the moderators here several times/ If he is allowed to stay here, I will be gone.

So y'all have fun with Alan Baker.




# 13    8/15/2013 11:52:38 AM   

I have reported him to the moderators here several times/ If he is allowed to stay here, I will be gone.

So y'all have fun with Alan Baker.




Are you sure it's Alan? Looks a bit like Steve to me...