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Illegal drugs
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I was just wondering if this was common place with you all too. I don"t often play golf alone, but the last couple of times that i have (two or three times in the last year) I have encountered dope smokers! Not that there is anything wrong with it, just not my personal preference. It makes me uncomfortable, because I don't do it. And i'm sure it causes the guys partaking some reservations also. This has happened to me twice in the last six months and both times it was just mary jane. Has this ever happened to you, and if so have you ever encountered any other substances?
# 1    8/4/2013 2:35:29 PM   
Other than a couple of guys I play with who enjoy a little herbal refreshment from time to time, I don't recall ever running into anyone on the course just casually lighting up. Not that it doesn't happen I'm sure, but a little discretion goes a long way.

Mark Simmons
# 2    8/4/2013 2:45:41 PM   
The PC dominance in our culture is laughable.

Note the title "Illegal drugs" and the comment "Not that there is anything wrong with it". Only in today's culture would we find these two statements together without a thought as to how in-congruent they are.

# 3    8/4/2013 2:52:36 PM   
I can handle weed. I would rather have a guy taking a couple hits as opposed to someone drinking 8 beers and not being able to handle it. I haven't really encountered it playing but i'll smell it at a bar or job site or concert or beach and don't think too much of it. there's worse things they could be doing and will probably become even more commonplace as time goes on whether it's socially acceptable or not. would that be considered performance enhancing?

# 4    8/4/2013 5:42:13 PM   
I know I am going to take some heat on this but due to my prior profession when someone lights one up around me it does bother me. In my state it is listed as an illegal narcotic with some minimal penalties. Whether you aprrove of it or not, the use of it has become blase but until it is legal, beyond medicinal usage, I will frown upon its usage around me.

# 5    8/4/2013 5:53:52 PM   

The PC dominance in our culture is laughable.

Note the title "Illegal drugs" and the comment "Not that there is anything wrong with it". Only in today's culture would we find these two statements together without a thought as to how in-congruent they are.

I think what I find "incongruous" is you can still go to prison for possession of a plant! It's also incongruous that while dangerous "gateway" drugs like tobacco and alcohol are available over the counter on any street corner in this country, a mildly psychoactive herb with medicinal properties is classified as a schedule I narcotic. I find it incongruous that every day the lives of police officers, innocent civilians, and people in countries far away from our tidy sub-urban streets are lost fighting a ceaseless "war" who's battle cry of "If one life is saved!" rings hollow upon any close inspection.

Or is this all just a little too politically incorrect?

Professional Champion
# 6    8/4/2013 6:09:33 PM   
I'm cool with it. I hate the guy that drinks 12 beers on the course and we have to wait on every shot because he can't put his tee in the ground.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 7    8/4/2013 6:57:57 PM   
If you don't want to be paired with that type of person, then demand your own cart, or just wait for another group to join with. even if that means driving back to the clubhouse after a few holes to wait to be re-grouped. they must accomodate you for something like that. If they don't, then i would go balls to the wall on them, publicly.
I lost friendships with two of my neighbors because of this very same thing. We had several neighborhood get togethers where we all swam, drank, and had a great time. For a couple of years actually. then one new years eve, some of them broke out the weed in the crowded room and filled the rom with their smoke and started acting like high school idiots at age 40. My wife and I left.
It happened again one Halloween party. Same thing. We left again. Since that time, never got another invite. Who cares! I used to get randomly drug tested at work, and the last thing I needed was to have to pee in a cup the morning after I had a contact high. Wasn't worth it for me to forfeit my pension for some dumbass who wanted to regain his childhood at my expense. Screw them. They showed their true selves to me by not apologizing for doing what they did, and subsequently alienation themselves from me and my wife for the next 10 years.
Stand your ground!

# 8    8/4/2013 8:34:27 PM   
One word, etiquette. Anyone smoking anything (cigars, cigarettes, marijuana, etc.) should politely ask if you would be bothered by it. While 2nd hand smoke bothers me from time to time I have no objection to those who wish to partake (if playing proper paced golf) if they at least show some class in asking.

For me, I prefer my scotch and cigar after a round.

# 9    8/6/2013 8:46:05 AM   
Mary Jane doesn't bother me. I am with the majority here that I would rather be around someone high with the munchies than someone drunk and acting like an ass. I have never seen a violent pothead, but alcohol seems to make some people tough guys.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 10    8/7/2013 6:59:19 PM   

Mary Jane doesn't bother me. I am with the majority here that I would rather be around someone high with the munchies than someone drunk and acting like an ass. I have never seen a violent pothead, but alcohol seems to make some people tough guys.

I can agree wit that. But would you like to bet your future on a drug test? not me.

# 11    8/7/2013 7:17:03 PM   

Mary Jane doesn't bother me. I am with the majority here that I would rather be around someone high with the munchies than someone drunk and acting like an ass. I have never seen a violent pothead, but alcohol seems to make some people tough guys.

I can agree wit that. But would you like to bet your future on a drug test? not me.

I always picture in my mind, a little guy in a black leather trench coat with a monocle saying, "Show me your papers, and pee in this cup". I keep trying to figure out how it's funny, but I can't...

# 12    8/7/2013 8:03:48 PM   
For someone to assume you are ok with them using ILLEGAL drugs in your presence is very bad form.

# 13    8/9/2013 6:01:17 AM   

For someone to assume you are ok with them using ILLEGAL drugs in your presence is very bad form.

I agree. I wouldn't want someone to just whip one out and start puffing away, but I have had people ask me "hey man, do you mind if I fire this up"? I tell them not at all. I am not the one acting in the ILLEGAL act so it's not on me if the other 2 guys in the group is a police officer. As long as I don't participate in the smoke out nothing can be done. Now if you let them in your automibile or house knowing that they have it then you can get in trouble. Atleast in Georgia you can. Some states are different.

As far as popping due to a contact high that is Bogus. I was a SACO officer (substance abuse control officer) in the USMC. In other words I was a pecker checker. I was the one that was responsible for giving piss test for my unit. EVERYONE that popped for pot used that as the reason as to why they popped.

"I was at a friends house and they smoked so much I must of breathed it in." Or "I was at a concert and breathed it in"

Second-hand marijuana smoke — buzz producing, or not — can leave traces of the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in your urine for a day or so after breathing the smoke. Usually, the amount is not enough to make you test positive. Most drug tests have intentionally high standards to avoid false positive results due to incidental ingestion of second-hand smoke. Things that we eat can produce low levels of THC (sesame seeds for example) but the level is not high enough to cause a positive on a test. The only way to get a true positive is to directly inhale or by ingesting a large amount such as pot brownies.