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Slicefixer swing
Tim Conroy
Professional Champion
156 Views    7 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
I have been reading on another forum recently, and found a series of threads about slicefixer Geoff Jones and his swing. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with him or the material. There is so much info there, and I really am not in a position to accurately evaluate it.

Specifically his 9-3 drill, I think I understand the idea and what is to be accomplished with it. I would just like others opinions on the swing and philosophy behind it. I know there are several prolific golfers here, who also posses the technical acumen to properly evaluate the material.
Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 1    6/24/2013 9:08:35 PM   
( Specifically his 9-3 drill, I think I understand the idea and what is to be accomplished with it. I would just like others opinions on the swing and philosophy behind it )

Who cares what others think about it. If you understand it, then try it. If it works for you, then good.
You're gonna have to try something anyway if you have a slice issue.

# 2    6/25/2013 5:14:44 AM   
First time hearing of this particular method. If this video is an accurate representation, it looks like a sound swing. The accompanying explanations make sense. I'll watch a few more times to see what I can pick up. I'll say this, I'd love to have a swing that <looks> like that. It would have to work better than what I've got now.

# 3    6/25/2013 5:19:18 AM   
The 9 to 3 drill, are you talking about "toe up to toe up" on the club and rotating the forearm over? This is something my pro had me working on in this seasons package. I was asking how to help the ball draw, which is another way of saying, get rid of the slice I suppose.

Mark Simmons
# 4    6/25/2013 1:08:33 PM   
I am not specifically familiar with this guy. Virtually any instructor has to deal with students who hit a slice, so I doubt he has any 'magic'. Here's the deal though.

All slices are caused by an open face relative to the swing path. That is the easy part. The hard part is that there are a bunch of potential causes that get a player into that position and the causes can (and usually are) multiple, so there is an even greater number of combinations. Each cause requires a different fix.

Now there are fundamentally two methods a swing coach will use to correct the problem:

1) Start over. Work with you to create a fundamentally sound swing from the ground up. This approach doesn't really 'fix' your slice. It punts and works on building a fundamentally correct swing. The slice goes away as a byproduct of a new swing. This approach requires a lot of time and dedication on your part.

2) Fix your slice. With this approach the instructor will diagnose the cause(s) of your slice and work with you to correct that element of your swing. At the end, it will still be your swing, just with a modification or two. Obviously, this is a quicker, less arduous way to fix your slice, but also will retain other 'flaws' in your current swing.

One is transformational, the other is incremental.

Tim Conroy
Professional Champion
# 5    6/25/2013 2:20:55 PM   
Sorry about the op I should have been a little more clear. Slicefixer is a person Geoff Jones, a golf instructor out of Texarkana. Maybe the worlds worse self promoter. He is beloved on another forum, not only for his instruction his personality. have had a chance to read a little more about his approach, which definitely not magic, but plain and simple hard work. It seems he used Ben Hogans swing with a modified grip, as a template He starts with his 9/3 drill taken from a PDF posted on wrx

The 9:00 to 3:00 Drill
Consider your arms like hands on a clock. To perform the 9:00 to 3:00 drill properly, you start by TURNING until the left arm is at nine o'clock and the wrists are fully set. Then simply turn through the shot until the right arm is pointed at three o’clock (it will actually be LEFT of three, but at three o'clock high or waist high). The right hand must HOLD THE SET by not ever releasing, with the core rotating hard and the arms releasing low and left. Once you are able to strike the ball solidly in the center of the face you can then take it to ten o'clock, then eleven, then midnight on the backswing. Most people are SHOCKED how far they can hit a golf ball from such a short backswing and armswing. That is the secret to solid ballstriking. The armswing is so short that the ONLY way to create power is to pivot the torso properly. This is also one of the most valuable shots you will learn. It is great for mastering the wedge game.

My biggest original concern was if it was a conventional swing, it appears to be.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 6    6/25/2013 2:44:25 PM   
Seems to be pretty correct and repeatable. give it a shot and let us know how it works out for you.

Professional Champion
# 7    5/6/2014 3:05:30 PM   
the guy knows his stuff
I think he's even played some pro golf (Canadian PGA, I believe)

Mark Simmons OtterMan08 dday39 Don Freeman Tim Conroy
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