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Professional Caddies and Rules Officials
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I have watched hundreds of rounds of golf on TV over the years. It is a normal occurance to watch at some point to see a situation in which a player will call for a rules official to make a decision in regard to a drop, nearest point of relief, ect. There are usually a couple officials out there for this duty. They are probably contacted by a walkie talkie then have to drive to that player's position which in some instances may take 5-10 minutes to get a ruling.

Think about this: What if all "professional" caddys were required by the tour to be rule officials as well? Then, you have a minimum of 2 caddies to agree on the ruling, and the speed of play would not be as affected. Professional caddies on the tour, in my opinion, should be more "qualified" by the tour. Most have years of experience and do their jobs brilliantly, but shouldn't they have more qualifications and official responsibilities?