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Wrist Pain and trying to play,
jschauer Schauer
Professional Champion
98 Views    13 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Okay the other day I was playing a par 5 (605 yards) and tried to crank one to 300 yards so I could get home in two, when all of a sudden my stupidity let me hit a 250 yard monster fade (not a slice)(trying to over power it). My ball started up the left of the fairway and faded to the right edge of the fair way landing on the edge and rolling out into/under a tree.

With no room to work I had to punch out. So I grabbed my 3wood thinking I could make up some distance to at least guarantee a par.

I played the ball back in my stance and shut the club face to hit a low draw out of the cabbage.

My club unlike any other shot I've ever screwed up before stopped dead into the mud not moving a single piece of dirt or taking any kind of divot.

the shock wave went straight into my leading hand (left wrist) thus ruining the rest of my round.

I play in a league every Wednesday and it's been 3 days since my accident.

My wrist still hurts, I tried to play yesterday and the pain was almost unbearable.

My question is... is it a stupid idea to try and play through the pain if you can handle it or should I just tell the boys I aint coming tonight...

I'm afraid I'm going to change my swing to compensate for the pain.
# 1    5/1/2013 12:43:24 PM   
I would recommend taking some time off and letting it heal. I just battled a left wrist injury and it never got any better until I put the clubs down for a couple of weeks. Hopefully it is just a tendon strain and you didn't break anything (which is possible). Avoid hitting off of a mat, and ice and rest for a few more days to see how it feels. If it isn't getting any better go see a doctor.

# 2    5/1/2013 12:45:22 PM   
If the pain hasn't subsided a bit by now, it would be dangerous to play and you may need to have it looked at. If you do insist on playing. at least wrap it with a wrist brace or ace bandage. It is just the start of the season, best a little caution now then ruin the entire year.

# 3    5/1/2013 1:04:39 PM   
I'm icing my left wrist as I type this so I feel your pain... literally. Many of my buds on this site have been sending well wishes for almost 2 months as I deal with this issue. It sucks! The problem is there is no immediate remedy but ice it and rest it. Compress it with an Ace bandage but not too tight. Ice on for 20 mins and Ice off for 20 mins. Take an anti-inflammatory like Advil or Aleve and rest it.

I suffered my wrist injury during a practice round early last month at my friend's Member/Guest and I couldn't hold the club. I came in steep on a sand shot on a buried lie and it was lights out. Admittedly, I have not rested it enough and probably made it worse by playing a round of golf every 4-5 days since it's happened. If you can rest it for 2 weeks... do it. Be sure to ONLY ice the injury; do not apply heat. There is an ice balm rub that helps it short term but good luck. I hope yours heals faster than mine.

# 4    5/1/2013 1:31:02 PM   
Hydrocodone and Grey Goose work wonders, but if it was that bad I would just call off, stay at the house with the hydrocodone and goose anyhow and drool on myself. I stobbed mine into the dirt a couple weeks ago but it was only temporary. I was good by the next day.

jschauer Schauer
Professional Champion
# 5    5/1/2013 1:57:33 PM   

Hydrocodone and Grey Goose work wonders, but if it was that bad I would just call off, stay at the house with the hydrocodone and goose anyhow and drool on myself. I stobbed mine into the dirt a couple weeks ago but it was only temporary. I was good by the next day.

HAHAHAhahah Hell yea... I look forward to drooling into the abyss tonight ;)

Thanks all for the recommendations!!!!!!!!!!!

Professional Champion
# 6    5/1/2013 4:33:15 PM   
I had a very similar wrist injury, and it happened the exact same way as you. I played through the pain and screwed up my swing in the process, because it hurt to release the club properly. My swing is still not the same to this day. So my advice to you is not to play if you can't swing the club normally.

# 7    5/1/2013 8:20:18 PM   
A 605 par5 where you would crank a 300 yards drive and hope to get home in two; so your 3 wood off the deck will be over 300 yards ?
I think some of the longest pro could nuke their 3 wood 280 if needed. But you are longer than they are.

# 8    5/1/2013 8:26:29 PM   

A 605 par5 where you would crank a 300 yards drive and hope to get home in two; so your 3 wood off the deck will be over 300 yards ?
I think some of the longest pro could nuke their 3 wood 280 if needed. But you are longer than they are.


Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 9    5/1/2013 8:28:05 PM   
maybe the 2nd shot was down hill.

Mark Simmons
# 10    5/2/2013 12:33:47 AM   
It makes a big difference whether your injury is a strain or a tear. Chances are it is the former. If so, Jay's advice is key, ice and rest. You need to get the swelling down and keep it down.

If you later find it is a tear it's going to take much more time to heal--even if surgery isn't recommended. The thing with tears of ligaments and tendons is they don't have the same blood flow that muscle and skin tissue does. Thus they heal much slower. In that case you are going to want to alternate ice and heat. Ice to bring the swelling down, heat to increase blood flow. The mix will change as time goes on. Early on more ice. After you get the swelling down, more heat.

# 11    5/2/2013 5:26:41 AM   
give it time to heal or you could be sitting out for a lot longer.

Tim Conroy
Professional Champion
# 12    5/2/2013 6:16:04 PM   

A 605 par5 where you would crank a 300 yards drive and hope to get home in two; so your 3 wood off the deck will be over 300 yards ?
I think some of the longest pro could nuke their 3 wood 280 if needed. But you are longer than they are.

Give him a break he was in in between clubs he doenst have a 305 club itb, what was he supposed to use? He always has his guarantee par to fall back on, if something goes wrong.

jschauer Schauer
Professional Champion
# 13    5/6/2013 12:02:50 PM   

A 605 par5 where you would crank a 300 yards drive and hope to get home in two; so your 3 wood off the deck will be over 300 yards ?
I think some of the longest pro could nuke their 3 wood 280 if needed. But you are longer than they are.

Give him a break he was in in between clubs he doenst have a 305 club itb, what was he supposed to use? He always has his guarantee par to fall back on, if something goes wrong.

Thanks Tim,

By the way Dew, it was down hill and on my best day "downhill/down wind" I can hit drives over 310. Maybe I was asking way to much out of this hole but at least I set a goal, whats wrong with that?

Never mind don't answer that... you'll just say.... "course management, your not a good golfer, you try to play shots that make you hurt your self ect."

Thanks again Tim,