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Hook on a slice lie
Professional Champion
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Johnny Miller talks about a ball below your feet is a slice lie. I hit a snap hook way more often than a slice when my feet are a decent amount above the ball. I think the cause is the hosel hitting the slope and rapidly closing the face. Does anyone have any tips to prevent this.
Professional Champion
# 1    7/31/2012 10:07:37 PM   
Bend over more then you would on a flat lie and swing the club more upright. This helps lower your chances of hitting a thin shot and makes the toe more down at impact so that the heel has less of a chance of catching on the hill.

Believe it or not, most people actually hit a pull from this lie because they are too afraid to swing the club down hill and then back up on their follow through. They come over the top and the heel hits which closes the face and the ball goes straight left.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 2    8/1/2012 12:22:02 AM   
You've not listened fully to Johnny Miller.

He has written about and talked about how the right hand will come down and around as you reach for the ball on a slice lie and force a pull hook. Considering he grew up playing Olympic Club, it's something he learned to use to his advantage when dealing with uneven lies.

Anyway, it's always called a slice lie because a ball-striker will hit that shot left to right on average. Armygrunt's breakdown is spot on.

Mark Simmons
# 3    8/1/2012 2:11:55 AM   
What ArmyGrunt said with one addition--make sure you get your weight off your toes and more on your heels as you set up. Bend over more and make this adjustment (basically get your rear out and behind you as you bend). If you don't your tendency will be to dive into the ball and hit it fat.

Mark Simmons Robert Premeaux Jr. armygrunt47 Logicman