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Your round MUST be attested before .....
Posted in: Fantasy Golf
patrick guidera
215 Views    2 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
This is in reference to the V Tournaments. How do you have a round attested? And who is eligible to attest a round? Does it have to be another group member or anyone we happen to play with?
# 1    7/12/2012 6:06:34 PM   
You need to play with a member or have the email address of a non member. When you fill out your scorecard online, click on the request attestation button. If you played with a member that you are friends with you'll get a drop down menu of your friends. Chosse the friend you played with.

If you didn't play with a member, then enter the email address of the person you played with and an email will be sent to them to attest your score.

patrick guidera
# 2    7/13/2012 9:11:10 AM   
got it. thank you.

Mongo68 patrick guidera