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Hip Replacement and Golf
Professional Champion
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Has anyone had hip replacement surgery and how did it affect your golf game?
# 1    6/26/2009 2:43:37 PM   
I am 36 and had a hip replacement done about 1 year ago now. It helped me out allot only because I was getting so sore by the end of playing only 9 holes. Back in 2000 I broke my hip in a fall and it was ok for some years. I was still pretty active. about the 4 year I started to have problems with pain and lack of rotation and each year it got worse. I finally had enough and did the replacement. Everything went perfect and I recovered quickly. I even played some rounds and the end of the season. Like I said earlier it has been a year now and I can't even tell that I have a replacement. I never get sore at the end of the day and I am more active now than I have been in years. Now only if the doctors can fix my slice I would be better off.

Professional Champion
# 2    6/26/2009 2:55:23 PM   
Thanks for answering my question. I have lost about 40 yards of distance on my drives. Did you get your distance back? How long was your recovery? How much pain was there? What was the rehab like?

# 3    6/26/2009 3:09:19 PM   
you will definately get you distance back. After my replacment I was able to gain more strenth back into my right leg since I was not favoring it so much any more.

The recovery for me was pretty short. They want you to take it easy for 6 weeks and watch carfully how you move around to make sure that you don't dislocate the new hip. After time you will be able to move around more and not worry so much about it. Stick with there plan and do the exercises as much as you can. I helps out allot and will speed up the recovery.

I was up and getting around with out any issues before the 6 weeks and was back to work. I was walking with out cruches in 3 days. Everyone recovers a little different so it is hard to say how long it will be. As far as pain for me hardly noticable. I would get a little jab now an then if I moved wierd but nothing compared to when I broke it the first time

Not sure which replacement you are considering but I have the all ceramic one and I have no complaints. I am also playing sand volleyball this year if that tells you how good it feels. good luck