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Eligible Tournament Scores
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
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I posted a score from a club tournament (my best differential score to date) we held yesterday and checked the "Is this a tournament round?" box. Although the score has a "T" annotation, the corresponding entry in the "Diff." column isn't boldened and asterisked like the other scores that count (whereas my other tournament score is boldened/asterisked). But my trend handicap has come down, and I have 8 other scores boldened/asterisked (and with 19 posted USGA rounds I should have 9 that count) so it looks like it is being counted in the group of differentials that count towards my handicap. This leads to two questions:

1. Is there a reason why my most recent tournament score differential is not boldened/asterisked, or is this a bug?
2. Does Stracka's handicap system automatically carry out the eligible tournament scores calculation set out in Section 10-3 of the USGA's handicap manual (see link below), or is this something that the handicap chairman of each club needs to do on a periodic basis?
Professional Champion
# 1    7/22/2009 2:50:18 PM   
OK, ignore question 1. I realise that it is not boldened/asterisked because we haven't had a handicap review date since I submitted it.

But question 2 still stands! Thanks.