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Ever shot over a hundred?
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I play with a couple of guys who tell me that they have never shot over a hundred......never..........not even the first time they played! The first time I played I know for a fact that I was well over a hundred. Are there really folks out there that have never scored so bad????? Ever?????? Now I find it hard to believe my buddies, because they have never (that I have witnessed) broken 90. But it still discourages me when the tell me that nonsense. They are always telling me that I have the best swing out of the group. But I am always the high scorer in the group. I think they are talking about my distance though. So what do yall say ... anyone never shot a c - note??
# 1    3/18/2010 10:39:50 PM   
Those guys must have played very easy par 3 courses. That's complete B.S what they're telling you. Every tour player shot over 100 at a point in time. Everyone does it and it's nothing to be ashamed of since every golfer has done it.

Professional Champion
# 2    3/19/2010 7:25:06 AM   
it could be 'true'.

the first time out, a lot of people don't know the rules. take away penalties and such and improper scoring and you could probably do it

Professional Champion
# 3    3/19/2010 7:36:03 AM   
If I take away improper scoring and penalties, what's left for me??

I had been golfing about 4 years before I was able to break 100... and now I'm stuck in the trying to break 80 game..... of course I've only shot below 40 on the front or back nine of a course 3 that's another fight of mine....

it could be 'true'.

the first time out, a lot of people don't know the rules. take away penalties and such and improper scoring and you could probably do it

# 4    3/19/2010 9:51:23 AM   
Never on a par 3 course. 72 par course sure have. it's not that long ago.

Professional Champion
# 5    3/19/2010 10:10:38 AM   
No way, every golfer has shot over 100 at one point, even if it is only the first few times they play. If they were taking mulligans and not playing by the rules thier score card may have said they broke 100 but they actually did not. Golf is too hard and margin for error is too little, no one can step on a course for the first time and break 100 unless they spent a ton of time on the range with coaches before they took thier game to the course.

# 6    3/19/2010 11:11:05 AM   
I will respond to address a couple of your points. Have all golfers broken 100. I am not so sure I have shot over 100. I have only been playing golf for 6 years and am a single digit handicapper. Two years ago when I was playing modern equipment rather than hickory I was as low as a 3.7 handicap.

In saying that...when I started playing golf I did not learn on the course. I learned at the range. I probably spent 6 months on the range before I ever touched foot on a golf course. Why? Because I was afraid of embarrassing myself and was totally afraid of slowing down play. I believe my first real round was a 94...with penalties. With in another six months I was breaking 80 and was a 15 handicapper.

Regarding have the best swing in the group. Listen I have received that compliment from far better scorers than me. A great swing and a high score means jack. When someone tells me my swing is perfect...or my tempo is rhythmic I ignore it because its an insult if your scores don't reflect it. It pissed me off so much I totally reworked my swing last year, because I would rather have an ugly swing that scored well than a beautiful one that scored higher.

# 7    3/19/2010 11:21:18 AM   

I will respond to address a couple of your points. Have all golfers broken 100. I am not so sure I have shot over 100. I have only been playing golf for 6 years and am a single digit handicapper. Two years ago when I was playing modern equipment rather than hickory I was as low as a 3.7 handicap.

In saying that...when I started playing golf I did not learn on the course. I learned at the range. I probably spent 6 months on the range before I ever touched foot on a golf course. Why? Because I was afraid of embarrassing myself and was totally afraid of slowing down play. I believe my first real round was a 94...with penalties. With in another six months I was breaking 80 and was a 15 handicapper.

Regarding have the best swing in the group. Listen I have received that compliment from far better scorers than me. A great swing and a high score means jack. When someone tells me my swing is perfect...or my tempo is rhythmic I ignore it because its an insult if your scores don't reflect it. It pissed me off so much I totally reworked my swing last year, because I would rather have an ugly swing that scored well than a beautiful one that scored higher.

This is the way I think every one should start with golf. On the range. There are also guys that golf comes easy to, they just have it. I would think that as much as 20% of golfers have never shot over 100.

# 8    3/20/2010 10:10:14 AM   

I will respond to address a couple of your points. Have all golfers broken 100. I am not so sure I have shot over 100. I have only been playing golf for 6 years and am a single digit handicapper. Two years ago when I was playing modern equipment rather than hickory I was as low as a 3.7 handicap.

In saying that...when I started playing golf I did not learn on the course. I learned at the range. I probably spent 6 months on the range before I ever touched foot on a golf course. Why? Because I was afraid of embarrassing myself and was totally afraid of slowing down play. I believe my first real round was a 94...with penalties. With in another six months I was breaking 80 and was a 15 handicapper.

Regarding have the best swing in the group. Listen I have received that compliment from far better scorers than me. A great swing and a high score means jack. When someone tells me my swing is perfect...or my tempo is rhythmic I ignore it because its an insult if your scores don't reflect it. It pissed me off so much I totally reworked my swing last year, because I would rather have an ugly swing that scored well than a beautiful one that scored higher.

The first time I touched a golf club was at a driving range in Myrtle Beach. I took about 50 or so swings with a 3 wood under the instruction of my father in law. I was grooving two out of every three 200 to 250 yards down the middle! The next day I played my first round ever with him and his buddies. I got a Birdie on a 175 yard par three but I have no idea what my score was was becouse I was constantly picking my ball up to keep up with the old guys! I found out that day how hard golf was and I was hooked!

I know I need to go to the range for a while. I can hit draws and fades with my irons but the woods are what is killing me. Even when every thing is clicking for me I still have that one hole where everything goes wrong. I can usually rebound though. As for my swing, well, its not just my buddies that tell me I have a good swing. I allways end up playing with new people all the time. And either after our round or during the round they will ask me if I am just having a bad day. They say I look like a 10 handicap. When I tell them that I usuall y shoot around a hundred they look at me like I am crazy! I know I can be good I just need to practice. I recently broke 90 then shot two rounds over 100!
free clubs 2

Professional Champion
# 9    3/21/2010 6:21:39 PM   
Me thinks they have too much of an intimate knowlege of the plop patty of a horse's ass!