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Bionic golf glove
Professional Champion
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Does anyone use the bionic golf glove? If so, what is your feedback on them?
Professional Champion
# 1    11/2/2010 10:52:37 AM   
I used it, and felt that for $7 at Walmart, I could get the same results. However, the glove lasted 1 whole summer for me, compared to buying a cheap 1 every 1 1/2 months or so. To give the glove some credit, felt like I was wearing Isotoners on my hand. It absolutely was the most comfortable glove I have ever worn. I think it was like $25 at the TPC Scottsdale Waste Mngt. Tourn. where I bought it. They had a demo going, and I purchased it. I only wear a glove from tee to green. Once on the green, my glove comes off. I would use the glove chippin onto the green, and still felt a big difference in the "feel factor" compared to the cheaper 1's. With that said though, I still use the cheap 1's, and just take them off when I chip to get the ultimate feel. Golf is so darn expensive as it is now, so I didn't want to add another "must have" item to my list when it was done. I used it 1 summer, liked it, but just can't afford the $25+ to purchase 1. For $25+, a simple rip or tear in the glove by accident, or use, realy makes you feel bummed out.

Professional Champion
# 2    11/2/2010 12:54:47 PM   
My buddy left his glove at home. The Bionic reseller was sitting outside the clubhouse selling them. He bought one and it ripped at the seams after 5 holes. He was pissed. The guy had left before we finished our round so he did not get a replacement.

Could have just been that specific glove, but then again, it could have been just poor quality.

I have never used one myself.

# 3    11/2/2010 6:21:09 PM   
I bought a bionic glove 3 weeks ago and I love it. I have found that it helps with keeping a little looser grip. Also I know a guy at my local course who golfs 4 times a week. He has only had to buy 2 in a year. Mine seems to be wearing just fine. I keep alot of pressure on my left thumb and all my gloves usually wear out there first, this one is still fine there. The only other gloves that have lasted me longer than a couple of weeks are the calloway warbirds.