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Power balance holograms
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Has anyone seen the new Power Balance bracelets in your pro shops? I was at a golf store in Beaumont, Texas last Thursday, and a salesman there did the demo on me. It was absolutely mind blowing! Wasn't prepared to spend the thirty dollars it cost at that time, but I will keep it in mind. If any of you happen to see them in your favorite shops please ask for the demonstration....... you wont be dissapointed!
# 1    2/17/2010 6:45:00 PM   
What was so mind blowing? Elaborate.

they do a demonstration where you put a business card in your pocket, they they do it again with you stepping on the card. its a ballance thing. something about the hologram tells your nerves to react faster or something like that. is the web site i think and they are supposed to have a video of a demonstration on there. but in person it is amazing. don't know that it would really help a golfer though, but then again if it helps your balance it might! i'm not trying to sell them or anything, just thought people would find them interesting. i sure did.

# 2    2/17/2010 10:03:02 PM   
SCAM! Do some research on the web and you will find the people behind this scam have been behind several others before.

As for the professional athletes wearing these things....wouldn't you if you were paid to?

# 3    2/18/2010 12:03:05 AM   

SCAM! Do some research on the web and you will find the people behind this scam have been behind several others before.

As for the professional athletes wearing these things....wouldn't you if you were paid to?

the guy at the shop did the demonstration on me. and i had no idea what the thing was at the time, first time i had ever seen or heard of it. he ead me stand with my feet shoulder width apart and put my arms out to my side then he pushed my arm down and told me not to let him and he pushed my whole body down and pulled me off balance. then he told me to put the card in my pocket (just an ordinary blue card), did the same demonstration and this time he couldn't push me over. then he had me step on the card (with my shoes on) and he still couldn't push me over. and again with out stepping on the card i would loose my balance. scam or not i was impressed. it was so wierd that i would not believe it if it hadn't been done to me.

# 4    2/18/2010 12:14:01 AM   

SCAM! Do some research on the web and you will find the people behind this scam have been behind several others before.

As for the professional athletes wearing these things....wouldn't you if you were paid to?

the guy at the shop did the demonstration on me. and i had no idea what the thing was at the time, first time i had ever seen or heard of it. he ead me stand with my feet shoulder width apart and put my arms out to my side then he pushed my arm down and told me not to let him and he pushed my whole body down and pulled me off balance. then he told me to put the card in my pocket (just an ordinary blue card), did the same demonstration and this time he couldn't push me over. then he had me step on the card (with my shoes on) and he still couldn't push me over. and again with out stepping on the card i would loose my balance. scam or not i was impressed. it was so wierd that i would not believe it if it hadn't been done to me.

ok just watched the video on the web site. the test he did on me were the same as the video but he didn't do the flexibility test on me. i was just mistaken about the details of the whole thing. you don't have to go out of your way for the demo, just if you see it ask about it. if nothing else its neat trick!

# 5    2/19/2010 7:19:48 AM   

It works. I have one. Whether it's in your head or not, I can tell you that the tests they do on the site are real and pretty awesome.

has it helped your golf game any?

# 6    3/13/2010 11:24:37 AM   
Ok I watched the u-tube video. Went back to the golf store. Had my wife take the demonstration while I watched. The guy doing the demonstration was so obvious in how he was doing it that I actually laughed out loud. My wife was amazed at how it supposedly worked (as I was the first time). When we got outside I told her what I was looking for, and why I ws laughing. I then showed her with a little demonstration of my own in the parking lot. This is no doubt a scam in my book.