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GolfCard Pro
Posted in: Website Suggestions
88 Views    5 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
I'm new to the site (been using the GolfCard app for iphone which recently switched over to this site), and I love it so far. I do have a couple of issues with uploading scores from the app, which I emailed them about, but I figured I'd post here incase the issue isn't with the app.

1. When I chose for my score not to be included in my handicap calculation, this was not shown on the site, ie. the score was used.

2. Up-and-downs and sandies are not uploaded correctly. If I get one, it shows correcly as Made, but if I two putt, it doesn't show up as Missed, it just remains blank.

Anyways, I love the stats and charts so far and am looking forward to using them more in the future.
GolfNet Administrator
# 1    7/26/2010 8:23:23 PM   
Steve -

Your score is automatically adjusted. Click on the my game tab, and the ESC column will show your adjusted score.


GreenReader Steve Ii DavidVogel Peter Sax chipwebb
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