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Do you got game? Tells us what shot is your best!
Kym Irving
Professional Champion
82 Views    20 Replies    11 Likes   I like it!
I love this game, and only wish I had discovered it at a much younger age. So tell us what is your best shot?
# 1    10/25/2011 8:03:07 PM   
Have too many good shots to really recall. So my best shot, is the Next One....Hopefully~ Or if your referring to what type of shot I perfer I would have to say the 140-150 yard shot~7/8 Iron ~

# 2    10/25/2011 8:25:10 PM   
The Driver or the Sand Shot?...the Sand Shot!

Professional Champion
# 3    10/25/2011 8:53:05 PM   
2 foot putt...I make about half....

Professional Champion
# 4    10/25/2011 9:07:00 PM   
The shot of JD on the 19th hole ;)

# 5    10/25/2011 9:12:30 PM   
Well luckily I did discover it at a young age. Give me a 20-30 yard chip shot and call the next shot a gimme. I'm big money E on that shot.

Professional Champion
# 6    10/25/2011 11:06:40 PM   
I wouldnt say that I am good at any one shot. I am proficient at alot of differant shots but not really great at a single one.

Mark Simmons
# 7    10/26/2011 2:07:57 AM   
The typical response I get after a sand shot or drop and stop chip is GREAT SHOT. On the other hand, I've been given the nickname "Boring" literally dozens of times after seeing me hit hit a bunch of tee shots with driver.

So you can take your pick.

Professional Champion
# 8    10/26/2011 8:06:10 AM   
The BIG stick is what most people admire about my game.....what....I am talking about my Driver...get your minds out of the gutter.

# 9    10/26/2011 9:52:22 AM   
There has been a many good shots over the years. But the top of the list has to be a little 9 iron I hit and hit it just the way I saw it for my first and only hole in one.

# 10    10/26/2011 10:32:48 AM   
I will always remember my first par on a lengthy par 5 for women at my home course. I had only been playing for a few months, so it was exciting to me:

# 11    10/26/2011 10:40:19 AM   
Others that I can remember are a couple birdies I made to win the hole against 3 guys that were all abt 3-5 HCP. Plus an opening par to start the match against them. and NO, I wasn't given strokes this was straight up, they played the tips and said I was allowed to play the forwards to keep it fair. I lost the match but sure gave them a good run :)

# 12    10/26/2011 10:55:21 AM   
The best shot I ever hit...thats easy.

July 2008 playing hickories on the Old Course at St. Andrews. Hit the ball in Hell Bunker. Pulled out a hickory mashie and hit the ball over the face of the bunker which seemed 10 feet high to 4 feet for birdie.

My dad took a photo of the shot and it was amazing...I was in my follow through and the sand and ball were airbourne. We lost the camera the next day at Musselburgh.

# 13    10/26/2011 12:23:18 PM   
Best shot I ever hit is a toughie. Last year when I played one of my main courses Littleton, on the Par 5 18th which is a really tough hole, I had 170 or 160 for my 3rd shot to the green. Took out 4 iron, absolutely flushed it to 10 feet, made the birdie for a 5 over 37 for 9 holes which was a FANTASTIC round for me. My best shot this year was probably at my home track South Suburban. I was on the 5th hole and 3 over. Not where you want to be trying to break 80 the first time. I had 180 yards to the green for my 3rd shot and hit a bullet to 5-8 feet. Made the putt for birdie, and that started the best 14 holes I've ever played, going 1 over the rest of the day to shoot 75 which is my best round on a regulation course ever by 3 shots.

Kym Irving
Professional Champion
# 14    10/26/2011 2:27:20 PM   
Love all the responses!! I'm surprised by the fairway shots and short game shots. I really thought most peeps would say they love to drive it long! lol...

Mark Simmons
# 15    10/26/2011 11:12:47 PM   
So some of us have interpreted this as the best kind of shot we can make and others have taken this as your best shot ever. The way the question is put, either seems appropriate. So here I'll answer the other way.

Could be the hole-in-one I made from 177 yards on an uphill par 3, blind shot over a bunker with 5 of my buds watching. That was pretty sweet.

...or one of three shots I've holed out from 100-150 yards out.

...or the time I was 220 yards out on the wrong side of a tree line and had to hit a fade (I'm left handed), which I did to hole high 4 feet left of the hole and made the eagle.

I feel real fortunate to have so many great memories on the golf course.

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