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Golf ball compresses
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I never knew this, or saw it for that matter! Here's a video shot at 70,000 frames per second (that's 70,000) showing a golf ball hit a steel wall at 150 mph. No one has a swing speed of 150 mph, including Tiger Woods who is just under 130 mph. I had no idea the golf ball compresses this much. But first, a little history:

1.) The Pro V-1 golf ball by Titleist is actually a three part ball, but you have to have a club head speed of at least 100 mph or more to be able to compress all three stages...If you don't the ball never fully compresses and you don't get the distance out of it that the pro's do.

2.) We, will get more distance out of a ball that only has two stages of compression... Like the Titleist NG Tour. It is more suited to our swing speed and we can compress it upon impact and can hit it further than the Pro V-1 ball.

3.) So the secret is not to buy the most expensive balls out there because we are actually decreasing the distance we can hit the ball, unless your club head speed is over 100 mph, which unless you are 21 to 50 years old, isn't going to happen!!!

Watch this video, this shows what a golf ball goes through when hit at 150's amazing to me how long these balls last.

Maybe that's why the Pro's use new balls every time they play....
Wow, 70,000 frames per second.

Cut and paste if the link does work
# 1    4/26/2011 6:49:20 PM   
Looks like more of a sponge in this clip.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 2    4/26/2011 7:37:18 PM   
It's crazy how much the ball flattens.

I use ProV1s not for distance nor to match my swing speed but for spin and distance control. The golf balls made for 80-90 mph swings generally are rocks that don't bite ... or they certainly don't bite as much as tour-level balls. Rock balls have gotten much softer over the years, but they don't match ProV1s (or B330s or Nike One Tours, etc.) on shots into greens.

Also, my swing speed fluctuates from 85-105. What ball matches that?

But the point is obviously dead on: If you aren't compressing the ball, you aren't getting as much out of it. And if you're worried about distance and don't care about spin, the Nike One Tour Vapors and Noodles and so on will generally go farther for you.

Professional Champion
# 3    5/18/2011 8:29:56 PM   
>>>>3.) So the secret is not to buy the most expensive balls out there because we are actually decreasing the distance we can hit the ball, unless your club head speed is over 100 mph, which unless you are 21 to 50 years old, isn't going to happen!!! <<<<

I take offense of this as I am 57 and average 104 swing speed with driver, of course. :-) I just seem to not be able to find the sweet spot often enough and catch the ball more on the down swing than up swing. (Working on that.) I read an article a few months ago that tested distance of balls and the results suggest an average of only 4 yds between best and low end. (I want to say it was in Golf Digest but not sure.) The difference was in feel and spin results.

And swing speed is different than ball speed. but that being said this is a great video.

Professional Champion
# 4    5/19/2011 3:09:35 PM   
I know of a few people with swing speeds around 160. Yeah they are long drive competitors but most of them are avid golfers and play at or close to scratch golf. They can really compress a ball so they usually hit golf balls that are on the hard side of the spectrum because the softer ones usually spin too much.

Professional Champion
# 5    5/19/2011 7:17:38 PM   
I agree with your point about what ball people play, but there are alot of golfers over 50 with 100mph+ swingspeeds.

# 6    5/20/2011 6:41:12 AM   
Can't wait till I get to 50 so I can prove this wrong. lol O.K. ya I can. No hurry here. Already falling apart.

Professional Champion
# 7    5/20/2011 10:22:54 AM   
I thought this video was a proven fake.

Besides the fact that the wall is solid steel and drivers have a trampoline like face. This video doesn't translate to golf in any way.