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East Indies Golf Tour
Posted in: USA Northeast
-Rich P
Professional Champion
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Hi all!
I am seeking help forming a new Golf Group filled with 24 or more players that have a golf handicap and hopefully a Golden Passport as well.
Our base would be in MA. but would include play in all of the New England States. The benefit of having the Golden Passport is that each course in the booklet offers free golf for 2. You must however pay for a cart if you desire. Normally the holder of the passport plays for free as he/she has already purchased the book, of which there are only 200 printed annually, while the non holder pays for both seats or roughly $50.00 to play 18.
I have a boilerplate set of by-laws that will need to be discussed and / or adapted as we vote. We shall also have to discuss advertising, tournaments, club championship etc. and adopt them into the by-laws.
My hope is to get this group up and running within the next 2-4 years depending upon how long it takes to adopt the by-laws and set all of the mechanics involved in gathering members, setting courses, hopefully finding sponsors, etc.
See you on the tee,
-Rich P