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Let the Fans Select!!!
Kevin Mosby
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I think the President's Cup player selections should be by the fans like other sports do. Since the Ryder Cup has been this way so long it should at least let the fans select the captain's picks. These events are the All-Star games of golf. What do you think?
# 1    8/27/2015 7:46:20 AM   
Sounds OK but you might end up with Tiger Woods and John Daly every time...

# 2    8/27/2015 3:03:48 PM   
These things turn into disasters. Yeah they're fun and include the public and all, but so often it's a popularity or familiarity contest. "HE PLAYS FOR THE DODGERS? I KNOW HE'S HAVING A BAD YEAR, BUT I'VE HEARD OF HIM UNLIKE THIS GUY FOR THE BREWERS WHO'S DOING PRETTY GOOD. GUESS I'M VOTING FOR THE GUY FROM LA!" ~ Every passive baseball fan

As Otter said, you'd most likely be looking at Tiger and Daly as your picks.

# 3    8/27/2015 3:53:01 PM   
I like the way it is.. Although I would love to see Tiger, Daly, and Couples in all events it would not be best for US Golf.

Mark Simmons
# 4    8/27/2015 8:47:46 PM   
Sorry Kevin, but the minute you do that is when the President's Cup will cease to have any meaning--just like the all star games you mentioned. They mean nothing. They are simply exhibitions. The President's Cup and Ryder Cup are real competitions.

Kevin Mosby
# 5    8/29/2015 5:56:28 PM   

Sorry Kevin, but the minute you do that is when the President's Cup will cease to have any meaning--just like the all star games you mentioned. They mean nothing. They are simply exhibitions. The President's Cup and Ryder Cup are real competitions.

Yes I know what you mean. We dominate the President's Cup but have so much trouble with the Ryder Cup. We have almost the same players for both.