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Putting Distances?
David Harrison
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Quick question - how do you guys determine putting distances for your first putt? Is it just guesswork/estimation on your part or is there a method you use to be reasonably certain of your putting distance?

Thanks in advance. The distances for my drives and subsequent swings are recorded for me by GolfPad, but I have never recorded putt distances as I lacked an accurate way to measure this statistic.
# 1    8/3/2015 3:44:02 PM   
I just walk it off, just under 3 ft a step but I just call it 3 ft. If my ball is passed the hole I'll count my steps from the hole to the ball then mark my ball. If the ball is between me and the hole then I'll count off the steps AFTER I've putted. No sense in wasting time and people giving you funny looks as to why you're walking all over the place. Just do it where you find it doesn't cause any delay in play.

# 2    8/3/2015 4:01:27 PM   
I just pace it off, I do like knowing the distance so I usually do this before I putt no matter how many funny looks Don gives me... Notice most of my putt distances are in 3 foot increments!

# 3    8/3/2015 6:19:12 PM   
100 foot tape works good for Me. lol

# 4    8/3/2015 6:23:23 PM   
Standard flag length is 7 feet. Just lay it down starting at the cup, mark the end, move the flag and repeat until you get to your ball. Round up or down the last time depending on where it lands on the stick.

Professional Champion
# 5    8/3/2015 6:40:25 PM   

I just pace it off, I do like knowing the distance so I usually do this before I putt no matter how many funny looks Don gives me... Notice most of my putt distances are in 3 foot increments!

Same here.

# 6    8/3/2015 8:13:32 PM   
I guesstimate. Apparently I'm the only one that does. I feel bad/lazy now. :-(

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 7    8/3/2015 8:58:47 PM   

I guesstimate. Apparently I'm the only one that does. I feel bad/lazy now. :-(

no worries. Its just a stat to help you keep track of your own putting skills. If you think its 15 feet and its 18 feet, who cares.

# 8    8/3/2015 9:25:59 PM   

I guesstimate. Apparently I'm the only one that does. I feel bad/lazy now. :-(

# 9    8/4/2015 7:27:26 AM   

I guesstimate. Apparently I'm the only one that does. I feel bad/lazy now. :-(

no worries. Its just a stat to help you keep track of your own putting skills. If you think its 15 feet and its 18 feet, who cares.

Same here COG. There's no major urgency to get exact distances. I estimate.

# 10    8/4/2015 7:37:27 AM   
Is getting an accurate measurement really important if you're just going take a gimmie?

# 11    8/4/2015 8:39:34 AM   
Putting is based on feel and also by the speed of the greens. Every course have green that have speed ratio. Ask the pro at what speed the greens are consistent with. Then go to the practice greens and work on your stroke. The only way to be consistent with putting is to practice but practice with these thoughts in mind. Body line must be parallal to the target line. If the putt is breaking, set up your body line to the line of the break and make a stroke so the ball goes along that line. Look at the putt from behind the line and from the behind the hole. I find that the most trusted line is when you look at the line from behind the line. Then commit yourself to that line and make a smooth unhurried stroke. Remember distance control is more important than direction. You want to two putt so the distance is the most important process in putting. Three putts are sinful and they can demorilize you mentally. Think positive and roll the ball so you will either make the putt or at best just two putt. You want your forearms to be in line with the orther. You don't want one forearm to be higher or lower than the other one. Move your shoulders toward your chin with an arc swing, going inside and on the follow trough have the putter coming inside on the following through. Your eyes should be to the back of the ball, not on top of the ball. Trust your stroke and if your body alignment is parallal to the target line you will see that your putts will roll to the true to the hole. Putting requires practice. Spend time on the practice greens to develope a sound stroke and don't worry about not making every putt. You want to develope a good solid stroke. There will days that it seems nothing goes in and you may think that you are a bad putter BUT LET ME TELL YOU A GOLFER WITH GOOD FUNDAMENTAL ESPECIALLY IN PUTTING WILL COME UP ON TOP. EVEN THE PROS HAVE DAYS WHEN NOTHING SEEMS TO DROP BUT WITH A GOOD SET UP AND A GOOD STROKE YOU WILL BE IN ANY MATCH. I HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOUR IN YOUR QUEST. Ed Ulon, a golf teaching professional.

David Harrison
# 12    8/4/2015 11:54:43 AM   

100 foot tape works good for Me. lol

The greens at my local muni look just like this...we've had a ton of rain all last month, it's only been dry for about 10 days.

Bob Morrison
# 13    8/4/2015 4:06:23 PM   
I like and use the 1 good step as three feet-BUT,i may not be the best judge of measuring things,because my wife and I have argued over the same 6 inches for forty years,and she still says my measurement is off!!!