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regular shoes
Steve Bigtazz Rayburn
Professional Champion
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Curious if anyone wears regular street shoes to play golf in instead of actual golf shoes?
Does it help,hurt or not do anything for your game but just feel comfortable?
Thinking of playing todays round in my regular shoes to see what it does for me.
# 1    8/14/2012 6:26:28 AM   
I used to the first few months I played, then I got some golf shoes, and they didn't magically transform my game, but they helped. Just easier to keep balance and make a better swing.

# 2    8/14/2012 8:10:16 AM   
I have worn tennis shoes before and to be honest with ya it felt wierd but I didn't see any difference in scoring. Actually I was hitting more on line shots because I had to smooth stroke it to prevent any slipping.

# 3    8/14/2012 8:12:11 AM   
I always play in golf shoes,

Professional Champion
# 4    8/14/2012 8:39:04 AM   
You've got to have traction in order to use ground forces in the swing...ground forces are important in creating a powerful, consistent move. As Moe Norman said, "I play INTO my legs." If you don't have traction, though, you will be relegated to swinging "on top" of your legs so as to not lose balance. In the golf swing, we should be rotating into our rear leg on the backswing, and maintaining that rotation a good way into the downswing. That's hard to do with a flat-soled shoe--your foot is likely to slip out from underneath you.

Ben Hogan even had an EXTRA spike installed into his golf shoes to improve traction. That says a lot, I think.

I recently got some Adidas Adicross shoes--that's Adidas' version of the Ecco boat shoes that Freddy Couples wears--they have nice traction for golf, but they FEEL like tennis shoes when walking. Very comfortable! And not near as expensive as the Eccos.

Professional Champion
# 5    8/14/2012 9:12:39 AM   
Footwear is one area I will absolutely NOT compramise quality. Your ankles, knees, hips and back all suffer if you do. If you can afford a $300 driver, you can afford to take care of dogs (and the rest of your lower body joints while you're at it). Just like I always wear Red Wing work boots despite the price, I wear FootJoy Icons to walk the golf course. You'll be amazed at how much better your lower body feels when you wear a pair of quality golf shoes. They don't look too shabby either :)
FJ Icons.bmp

Professional Champion
# 6    8/14/2012 9:12:55 AM   
The only time that I play in anything other then my spikes is if I am playing a few holes after work and don't have the time to change. I don't really notice a big difference but the UnderArmour shoes that I wear have pretty aggressive soles so they do not slip very much, even in wet surfaces.

Steve Bigtazz Rayburn
Professional Champion
# 7    8/14/2012 9:47:05 AM   
Like some, if I leave work and go by the range for a bucket, I'm in my reg shoes (cross trainer type) and I hit off both grass an mats.
So I just wondered about playing a round in them when it is dry.
They have good tread so I don't think traction will be an issue, especially
since I don't create that much tiger torque in my swing to require my feet
be planted down.
Who knows maybe it'll help bring my driving range swing which goes right down the middle most of the time to the course lol.

Russ W
Professional Champion
# 8    8/14/2012 10:23:24 AM   
Aside from when I first started to play I only where gold shoes and to be honest I find my golf shoes to be so comfortable that I would wear them all the time if i could!

# 9    8/14/2012 10:31:38 AM   

Aside from when I first started to play I only where gold shoes and to be honest I find my golf shoes to be so comfortable that I would wear them all the time if i could!

Gold shoes!!!!!!! Big money pimpin!!!! lol

# 10    8/14/2012 11:48:33 AM   
There is only one part of my game I will even think about doing with out golf shoes on and that is the putting green. If my clubs are in the truck so are my shoes. I even have an extra pair in both cars, they are old ones but that is better then a not having any golf shoe.

# 11    8/14/2012 1:01:10 PM   
Have always worn golf shoes when playing but use sneakers practicing. Always believed in wearing proper footware with traction. One thing I do miss is having metal spikes. There was always something reassuring hearing those spikes click along cement or macadam.

Mark Del Vecchio
Professional Champion
# 12    8/14/2012 1:11:48 PM   

One thing I do miss is having metal spikes. There was always something reassuring hearing those spikes click along cement or macadam.

It was a sound that immediately made you think of golf, and elicited a sense of serenity and calmness. Ever since they took those away traction is only negligibly better than in good running shoes.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 13    8/14/2012 4:35:23 PM   
I heard once that practicing with flat sole ( no spike) shoes really helps with balance.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 14    8/14/2012 4:45:21 PM   
I've played in cross trainers and New Balance's trail-hiking running shoe things (they're basically bulked up running shoes) for years. Playing in those shoes, I've lowered my handicap from the 8s to as low as the 3s, so I'd say they've definitely not hurt.

I've also played in golf shoes over this same time period, but I prefer "tennis shoes" because they don't hurt as much.

Part of why I started playing in tennis shoes was to learn to keep my feet still. I used to jump at impact and move my feet way too much. VERY bad habit.

Mark Simmons
# 15    8/14/2012 7:32:46 PM   
Aside from when I first started to play I only where gold shoes and to be honest I find my golf shoes to be so comfortable that I would wear them all the time if i could!

I dunno, gold shoes don't seem to me to be too comfortable, and I figure you'd get pretty tired lifting those gold shoes step by step. But I do see how they'd tend to keep your feet in place.

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