Community  /  Forums  /  Looking for a UST Proforce V2 LD shaft or where to buy one at
Looking for a UST Proforce V2 LD shaft or where to buy one at
Ron Williams
Professional Champion
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Im looking for a ust proforce v2 ld shaft in a 335 tip. I cant find anywhere online to buy them at, Ive tried searched but it didnt bring anything up besides just talk about them. thanks
Corey Busha
Professional Champion
# 1    10/31/2011 10:25:46 PM   
I just had one taken out of my driver today! But, the guy had already put it in another club and it had sold as soon as I left! Sorry about that. I had a 350 head with a 335 shaft. Had to get that taken care of. And we measured my swing speed and all of that to get everything right. 111 for the swing speed for maximum, and 99 minimum. Of course, its all about timing and solid contact.