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One Golfer favorite all time POLL
Professional Champion
258 Views    51 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Pick only one golfer, your favorite of all time (past or present). Doesn't have to be who you think was the "best" golfer, just your favorite. I will keep a running poll total. The result maybe somewhat interesting.

Mine is Tiger Woods.
Professional Champion
# 31    2/8/2011 12:36:09 PM   
I can honestly say no athlete has ever made me say 'yum'.

# 32    2/8/2011 12:40:39 PM   
Lee "Merry Mex" Trevino

# 33    2/8/2011 12:48:36 PM   

Lee "Merry Mex" Trevino
But I am a Fan of all of those who play this game. I follow TIGER!!!, SERGIO!!!, Phil, Ernie,Jack, Arnie, Gary, Mr. Watson, Freddy. As the slogan goes, "These guys are Good".

Professional Champion
# 34    2/8/2011 3:52:47 PM   

Not only is Lee Trevino one of the greatest of all time he is also the most down to earth "famous" person I have ever met. He is awesome! If any of you ever get the chance to meet it!

I met him in a resturant in Middletown CT, he seemed almost to be a bit bashful, soft spoken.

Professional Champion
# 35    2/8/2011 5:19:12 PM   

Not only is Lee Trevino one of the greatest of all time he is also the most down to earth "famous" person I have ever met. He is awesome! If any of you ever get the chance to meet it!

I met him in a resturant in Middletown CT, he seemed almost to be a bit bashful, soft spoken.

Here's probably why:

"I'm actually a very quiet person off the golf course. I talk 150 miles per hour when I'm at the course, but when in private I very seldom ever open my mouth."

And here's a few more great Trevino lines. He's one of a kind. Not only a great golfer, but great for the game.

"I'm going to win so much money this year, my caddie will make the top twenty money winner's list."

"My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you haven't been home in eighteen years."

"One of the nice things about the Senior Tour is that we can take a cart and cooler. If your game is not going well, you can always have a picnic."

"Pressure is playing for ten dollars when you don't have a dime in your pocket."

"You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich neither of their husbands work."

"On his proposed book titles - The first one is called How to Get the Most Distance out of Your Shanks and the other is How to Take the Correct Stance on Your Fourth Putt."

"I never had a teacher because I never met one who could beat me."

"Tony Jacklin to Lee Trevino on the first tee: "Now Lee, I have a chance to win today so I don't want to do a lot of talking."

Trevino: "I'll do all the talking Tony. All you have to do is listen."

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 36    2/8/2011 8:06:07 PM   

Not only is Lee Trevino one of the greatest of all time he is also the most down to earth "famous" person I have ever met. He is awesome! If any of you ever get the chance to meet it!

I met him in a resturant in Middletown CT, he seemed almost to be a bit bashful, soft spoken.

Here's probably why:

"I'm actually a very quiet person off the golf course. I talk 150 miles per hour when I'm at the course, but when in private I very seldom ever open my mouth."

And here's a few more great Trevino lines. He's one of a kind. Not only a great golfer, but great for the game.

"I'm going to win so much money this year, my caddie will make the top twenty money winner's list."

"My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you haven't been home in eighteen years."

"One of the nice things about the Senior Tour is that we can take a cart and cooler. If your game is not going well, you can always have a picnic."

"Pressure is playing for ten dollars when you don't have a dime in your pocket."

"You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich neither of their husbands work."

"On his proposed book titles - The first one is called How to Get the Most Distance out of Your Shanks and the other is How to Take the Correct Stance on Your Fourth Putt."

"I never had a teacher because I never met one who could beat me."

"Tony Jacklin to Lee Trevino on the first tee: "Now Lee, I have a chance to win today so I don't want to do a lot of talking."

Trevino: "I'll do all the talking Tony. All you have to do is listen."

Trevino actually hated the public spotlight ... or at least he did early in his career when he went from total unknown to U.S. Open superstar.

Read "Chasing Greatness" about Johnny Miller's Miracle at Oakmont. It's amazing how reclusive Trevino really is. We all think of him as the Merry Mex, a constantly talking, fan-loving man of the people. But the truth seems all of that talking is a defense mechanism of his to handle how uncomfortable he feels in a crowd.

I love Trevino. If some of our so-called top golfers today had half his guts, they'd destroy the modern-day Nervous Nellies out there.

Professional Champion
# 37    2/9/2011 4:07:40 AM   

Not only is Lee Trevino one of the greatest of all time he is also the most down to earth "famous" person I have ever met. He is awesome! If any of you ever get the chance to meet it!

I met him in a resturant in Middletown CT, he seemed almost to be a bit bashful, soft spoken.

Here's probably why:

"I'm actually a very quiet person off the golf course. I talk 150 miles per hour when I'm at the course, but when in private I very seldom ever open my mouth."

And here's a few more great Trevino lines. He's one of a kind. Not only a great golfer, but great for the game.

"I'm going to win so much money this year, my caddie will make the top twenty money winner's list."

"My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you haven't been home in eighteen years."

"One of the nice things about the Senior Tour is that we can take a cart and cooler. If your game is not going well, you can always have a picnic."

"Pressure is playing for ten dollars when you don't have a dime in your pocket."

"You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich neither of their husbands work."

"On his proposed book titles - The first one is called How to Get the Most Distance out of Your Shanks and the other is How to Take the Correct Stance on Your Fourth Putt."

"I never had a teacher because I never met one who could beat me."

"Tony Jacklin to Lee Trevino on the first tee: "Now Lee, I have a chance to win today so I don't want to do a lot of talking."

Trevino: "I'll do all the talking Tony. All you have to do is listen."

Trevino actually hated the public spotlight ... or at least he did early in his career when he went from total unknown to U.S. Open superstar.

Read "Chasing Greatness" about Johnny Miller's Miracle at Oakmont. It's amazing how reclusive Trevino really is. We all think of him as the Merry Mex, a constantly talking, fan-loving man of the people. But the truth seems all of that talking is a defense mechanism of his to handle how uncomfortable he feels in a crowd.

I love Trevino. If some of our so-called top golfers today had half his guts, they'd destroy the modern-day Nervous Nellies out there.

1. Yes, he did avoid the spotlight. After the rounds were over he'd go back to his hotel, order room service, and stay by himself.

2. Hadn't heard of that book, but I'll find it and buy it online tonite.

3. Very true.

Professional Champion
# 38    2/9/2011 8:35:43 AM   
Right now i'm on the Dustin Johnson bandwagon. But of all time i'd say Arnie. My grandpa used to tell me stories about following Arnie and all the fans that flocked to him. And seeing him now days he still promoting the game. Don't know him personally but seems to be a real nice man.

# 39    2/9/2011 10:19:40 AM   
Trevino fought depression for many years. He never really sought to become famous, and when he did become famous he did almost everything to shun the spotlight including some incidents with fans. If I am not mistaken Trevino stopped staying in hotels during his prime, bought a RV and would request to park the RV in a private area of the host site. During the 1973 US Open I believe he parked on the opposite end of the driving range.

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