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If you can't beat 'em...
Professional Champion
101 Views    7 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Been trying like hell to turn a fade/slice into a draw...with pretty miserable results. Finally gave up today - weakened my grip, opened my stance and simply played for a high fade. Made the change on the 6th hole, hit 9 of the last 10 fairways ( no slices), and broke 80!

Can draw the ball all day on the range, but can't do it on the course. How do you guys deal with the range/course differences? Gonna ride this fade wave and see where it takes me...
Professional Champion
# 1    6/16/2010 3:51:40 PM   
sometimes you just gotta play with what you got that day.

Professional Champion
# 2    6/16/2010 4:03:31 PM   
The picture you use next to your name is of a fellow who was a very average professional golfer when he was playing a draw. He became one of the greatest golfers who ever lived (the greatest in my opinion) after he went to a fade. Maybe you're on to something. Stick with it.

Professional Champion
# 3    6/16/2010 4:05:59 PM   
that is why I do not like going to range before a round with the driver
I take three wood, hybrid and 7 iron and hit small bucket of balls.
Have the same issue hit the fade now working on it and hit the straight shot a few times a round. Changed swing path make myself swing inside out. Only problem is with hybrid same swing here comes the draw

Professional Champion
# 4    6/16/2010 4:46:31 PM   
Good point about both biographies - great reads! Gonna head out again tomorrow and see where it goes.

Early tee time today...didn't hit any range balls -- scored well. Coincidence? I wonder...

Professional Champion
# 5    6/16/2010 6:14:25 PM   

that is why I do not like going to range before a round with the driver
I take three wood, hybrid and 7 iron and hit small bucket of balls.

I usually don't hit balls before a round. A little putting and chipping is all.

Professional Champion
# 6    6/16/2010 6:18:37 PM   

sometimes you just gotta play with what you got that day.

Exactly! I do like to hit about 10-15 balls before I play. Our swings are never the same from day to day. I will hit on 3-4 balls with drivers on the range, and play whatever it is doing on the first hole. I normally hit a 5-10 draw with the D, but some days it just won't draw so I'll play the fade.

Professional Champion
# 7    6/16/2010 6:21:33 PM   

sometimes you just gotta play with what you got that day.

I will hit on 3-4 balls with drivers on the range, and play whatever it is doing on the first hole. I normally hit a 5-10 draw with the D, but some days it just won't draw so I'll play the fade.

Excellent strategy. Why try and force something on the course that isn't there?

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