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New Jerseys Chris Christie for President
Professional Champion
208 Views    21 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
If you haven't seen or heard Chris Christie's speech yesterday you should take the time to find it. I am sure it's linked to many news sites or on You Tube.

He is one politician who is serious about balancing budgets. He is not playing that tight rope and worrying about reelection. He is making those important hard decisions that will sting, that will hurt, that will force sacafrice in an attempt to get the "house" in order.

And, he is not going to utilize the quick fix of raising taxes. He is going tgo do it the old fashion way CUT SPENDING. Wow, what a novel idea, stop spending money we don't have!! Spend what you can afford. And, spend on those things, programs, entitlements that people need and not on those things that people want.
Professional Champion
# 16    2/17/2011 6:48:54 PM   

I was looking at some of the towns in the link you provided and they show General Tax Rates and Effective Tax Rates. I'm not sure how the State of NJ defines this.

The Effective Tax Rate is a statistical study that enables the comparison of one district to another district (based on the assumption that all districts are at 100% valuation). This rate is NOT to be used to compute the tax bill.
(from the same page) Whateverinthehell that means...

OK. I understand what they're doing. Take the Town of Summit, for example. The average assessed value of a home is $410K, but the actual average value is $958K. Their tax rate is 3.1% of the assessed value, not actual value. Other towns are actually taxed at their real market value, and still others at something in between. So the Effective Tax Rate compares apples to apples, and not apples to oranges like the actual tax rate does.

Professional Champion
# 17    2/17/2011 6:57:25 PM   
That's just plain nuts Otterman. Time for you to move to a less liberal state :) LOL....Besides it's way warmer down here. :)

Professional Champion
# 18    2/17/2011 7:00:55 PM   

That's just plain nuts Otterman. Time for you to move to a less liberal state :) LOL....Besides it's way warmer down here. :)

It could be worse, Mel. I'm from Massachusetts. But don't tell anyone.

# 19    2/17/2011 9:16:43 PM   
Go SCOTT Walker in wisconsin! there rioting and protesting in madison as we speak LOL>> Stupiid teachers. 50 some school districts shut down agian today as they called in sick to protest a Bill that has nothing written in it that will affect them anyway.. there going to be addressed in the next bill in a month or so.. i dont want to see anyones leggs cut out from under them but for goodness sake get a grip of yourself..

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