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The new "Find a Golfer" feature.
Posted in: Website Suggestions
109 Views    1 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
GREAT IDEA! For those of us that have limited options of people to play with this is awesome. The question I have is this: In the future, will it be possible to just list an area where you want to golf? I realize this is new and I may not fully understand how it works. I have changed my zip code from where I live(Lumberton) to a Baytown zip in order to broaden the chance of hits that I will get based off the 50 mile radius. That and the fact that all the courses in the Beaumont area are terrible. My concern is if I list myself for ONLY say Tour 18, will people not even respond because they don't want to play Tour 18. It would be a more conducive effort if I could just leave a message and say "Wanting to play Tuesday and any course within 30 miles of Cypress would be just fine."

Just some thoughts guys and gals. Not nagging. You guys are doing a wonderful job and I appreciate all you have organized here.

Jared Castleman
# 1    6/21/2009 6:36:30 PM   
Thank you for this post. We'll look into the option to expand to an area instead particular to one course.
