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Course manipulation...where does it stop?
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I watched the Players all four days this week and I watched the greens go from, well, green to yellow. I know that tournaments try to make the course progressively harder on the weekend.

Natures gives and takes away. The winter in Jacksonville practically killed all the rough removing some of the teeth of this course. Sometimes it is so dry at courses that they have to water the greens even to make them playable. So, to a certain degree, course manipulation is required.

Many tournaments don't water the greens on the weekend to get them really fast. But Sawgrass has a system under the greens that sucks the moisture out of the greens. The drying system maybe was initailly installed to dry out a overly wet green after a heavy rain but it didn't rain this weekend yet they used the drying system to change the playability of the course. Somehow there is a difference in the two approaches.

So where does it end and what do you think about it?