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Updates and Fixes to the site
Posted in: Website Suggestions
GolfNet Staff
376 Views    69 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
5/10/2019 Updates and fixes of note to the US Handicap site as of today. (Mobile Apps to get updated next week.)

- Posting images in forums will not create a new topic
- We swapped the "holes played" and "tee selection" for clarity. Tee selection is automatically highlighted once the course is selected.
- When entering in "FIR", Left and Right are ordered in front of Long and Short
- Score / stats entry. Tab order will go from hole to hole by default. Users can change this in Preferences - set the "Vertical tab" to On.
- Score detail page - added the display of the gross score. It will be displayed inside the Par/Bridie/etc "donut" graph.
- ESC hole score displayed if ESC applied
- Re-added the option to mark scores as "Played with a Club Member". Select the "cog/gear" icon to see that option.
- Score posting errors - If you started to post a score, then saved the score, then returned to the score (through Incomplete Scores) there was a chance that score would not post once completed with an unknown error. This issue has been corrected.

--Jim, GolfNet / US Handicap
# 1    5/10/2019 8:54:46 PM   
The feed still doesn't allow pictures with the comments. It always starts another thread.

GolfNet Staff
# 2    5/10/2019 9:16:22 PM   
The feed still doesn't allow pictures with the comments. It always starts another thread.
I replied to one of your posts from yesterday with a photo and all seems to work ok.
Changes are not yet reflected in the app; that will follow next week. If on the website you may need to refresh the page.

# 3    5/10/2019 10:06:01 PM   
The feed still doesn't allow pictures with the comments. It always starts another thread.
I replied to one of your posts from yesterday with a photo and all seems to work ok.
Changes are not yet reflected in the app; that will follow next week. If on the website you may need to refresh the page.
I will attempt with my laptop and smartphone.

# 4    5/10/2019 10:09:22 PM   
The feed still doesn't allow pictures with the comments. It always starts another thread.
I replied to one of your posts from yesterday with a photo and all seems to work ok.
Changes are not yet reflected in the app; that will follow next week. If on the website you may need to refresh the page.
I will attempt with my laptop and smartphone.
An hour ago it didn't work, now it did. cool and Thanks.

# 5    5/11/2019 12:12:34 PM   
These changes are just stupid! Now when I enter my gross score instead of the cursor going to the next hole, it drops down to the block below the gross score. So, to enter my data I now have to enter my score, reach for my mouse position the cursor on the NEXT hole so that I can enter my gross score and again the stupid cursor drops down to the block below the score and then I have to reatch for the mouse again and repeat the process. This will take an inordinate amount of time and inconvenience to enter scores. Either go back to the cursor stepping to the next hole so we can enter all our scores in sequence, or restore the previous system that worked just fine. This method is just insane! By the way, you use two different methods that also make it more difficult to logically enter data. Why not let US use the tab key to step to the next hole when entering data. When entering gross scores the system automatically steps to the right when a digit is entered but on the rest of the data, we are allowed to use the tab key to step to the next hole. Why not just allow us to use the tab key all the time. It is inconvenient to have to remember to do it one way for the gross scores and a different way for the rest of the data. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

# 6    5/11/2019 1:39:57 PM   
These changes are just stupid! Now when I enter my gross score instead of the cursor going to the next hole, it drops down to the block below the gross score. So, to enter my data I now have to enter my score, reach for my mouse position the cursor on the NEXT hole so that I can enter my gross score and again the stupid cursor drops down to the block below the score and then I have to reatch for the mouse again and repeat the process. This will take an inordinate amount of time and inconvenience to enter scores. Either go back to the cursor stepping to the next hole so we can enter all our scores in sequence, or restore the previous system that worked just fine. This method is just insane! By the way, you use two different methods that also make it more difficult to logically enter data. Why not let US use the tab key to step to the next hole when entering data. When entering gross scores the system automatically steps to the right when a digit is entered but on the rest of the data, we are allowed to use the tab key to step to the next hole. Why not just allow us to use the tab key all the time. It is inconvenient to have to remember to do it one way for the gross scores and a different way for the rest of the data. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
I would have to agree with always having to hit the tab button to advance.

Professional Champion
# 7    5/11/2019 6:39:05 PM   
when trying to print the handicap card, instead of my name it says "undefined, undefined." can we get that fixed?

# 8    5/11/2019 9:05:33 PM   
when trying to print the handicap card, instead of my name it says "undefined, undefined." can we get that fixed?
I was going to point that out too. There's also no club name, club ID or handicap number on the handicap card.

# 9    5/12/2019 8:17:25 AM   
if you edit a score all previous comments disappear.

GolfNet Staff
# 10    5/12/2019 8:29:48 AM   
These changes are just stupid! Now when I enter my gross score instead of the cursor going to the next hole, it drops down to the block below the gross score. So, to enter my data I now have to enter my score, reach for my mouse position the cursor on the NEXT hole so that I can enter my gross score and again the stupid cursor drops down to the block below the score and then I have to reatch for the mouse again and repeat the process. This will take an inordinate amount of time and inconvenience to enter scores. Either go back to the cursor stepping to the next hole so we can enter all our scores in sequence, or restore the previous system that worked just fine. This method is just insane! By the way, you use two different methods that also make it more difficult to logically enter data. Why not let US use the tab key to step to the next hole when entering data. When entering gross scores the system automatically steps to the right when a digit is entered but on the rest of the data, we are allowed to use the tab key to step to the next hole. Why not just allow us to use the tab key all the time. It is inconvenient to have to remember to do it one way for the gross scores and a different way for the rest of the data. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
I would have to agree with always having to hit the tab button to advance.
You can change the tab order in the preferences. We did this so people can tab the way they want to.
Go to your preferences and turn off the "Vertical tab" option.

GolfNet Staff
# 11    5/12/2019 8:31:09 AM   
if you edit a score all previous comments disappear.
I've noticed that too. I'll add to the list to fix.

# 12    5/12/2019 8:32:59 AM   
if you edit a score all previous comments disappear.
I've noticed that too. I'll add to the list to fix.
Thank you Sir.

GolfNet Staff
# 13    5/12/2019 8:33:49 AM   
when trying to print the handicap card, instead of my name it says "undefined, undefined." can we get that fixed?
I was going to point that out too. There's also no club name, club ID or handicap number on the handicap card.
I sent an email off to IT on that one.

GolfNet Staff
# 14    5/12/2019 8:35:51 AM   
if you edit a score all previous comments disappear.
I've noticed that too. I'll add to the list to fix.
Thank you Sir.
If you need me to "resurrect" comments on an edited score let me know and I think I can handle that one.

# 15    5/12/2019 8:36:55 AM   
if you edit a score all previous comments disappear.
I've noticed that too. I'll add to the list to fix.
Thank you Sir.
If you need me to "resurrect" comments on an edited score let me know and I think I can handle that one.
Fixing it for future post is fine thanks.

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