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Personal ID
Don Freeman
Professional Champion
269 Views    8 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
So if these Fu#ks can come on this site randomly and spam the living crap out of us, and the Admins do nothing about stopping it, does that mean they don't know how to stop it? And if that's the case, is our personal info safe here? Why is nothing being done to stop this crap? And please don't tell me to submit a support ticket. Damn!
# 1    3/10/2018 1:13:17 PM   
The following support ticket has been submitted by me. Please feel free to copy and paste your own support ticket. I'd suggest one support ticket be submitted per SPAM entry by each of us until the situation is resolved...

"The forum is filled with SPAM! Please correct this issue as soon as possible and suspend/ban accounts(s) causing disruption to the message boards. Thanks you for your attention to this matter."

# 2    3/10/2018 2:52:56 PM   
Admins could care less. Forums are set to disappear after 3 reports of spam. That way it's completely hands off for the people that own the site. Remember when people used to get banned for language and behavior here? Not anymore. The pages on the site are on cruise control until they crash. Exhibit #1? The video page. They'd rather have the site run as a handicap service since that's where all the $ comes from.

# 3    3/10/2018 3:48:40 PM   

Admins could care less. Forums are set to disappear after 3 reports of spam. That way it's completely hands off for the people that own the site. Remember when people used to get banned for language and behavior here? Not anymore. The pages on the site are on cruise control until they crash. Exhibit #1? The video page. They'd rather have the site run as a handicap service since that's where all the $ comes from.

I'm not sure the handicap service bucks are going to hold up for very long with the new USGA rules in effect. Also not sure there are any admins left in the building. Several of the posts already have three flags on them and have not been removed, automatic or otherwise. Maybe the magic number is 4, or 5, or 7... Just curious to see if anyone responds to the support email at all!

Spammers! Nobody likes them and they don't care...

# 4    3/11/2018 7:51:34 PM   
So I guess if there's no help coming on the spam issues, we can try to keep posts in the general forum. It's one extra step to navigate to and easier to keep one board clean. Let our new friend from Hanoi have the Mexico and Germany boards to clutter up at will.

# 5    3/12/2018 9:23:32 AM   

I did receive a response to my support ticket this morning and it appears the latest flurry of SPAM has been removed. If it reappears tomorrow I would suggest continuing to contact support and let them know there are still members of the site who use the forums and are being bothered by it. If no one says anything, they may assume no one cares.

# 6    3/13/2018 12:07:30 AM   
And if that's the case, is our personal info safe here?

Bwhahahahh . hhh hahhahahaha hhahah..

No. Not a chance. They're running presumably an unpatched Microsoft IIS server with a MS SQL backend and ASP software that has barely been touched in 3+ years. Took them at least a year to correct a *minor* bug that I could have fixed in 30 minutes (because I don't know ASP and would have to read up a bit).

Swiss cheese comes to mind.

# 7    3/13/2018 7:15:29 AM   

And if that's the case, is our personal info safe here?

Bwhahahahh . hhh hahhahahaha hhahah..

No. Not a chance. They're running presumably an unpatched Microsoft IIS server with a MS SQL backend and ASP software that has barely been touched in 3+ years. Took them at least a year to correct a *minor* bug that I could have fixed in 30 minutes (because I don't know ASP and would have to read up a bit).

Swiss cheese comes to mind.

Kinda like trying to shoot out the star with the BB gun at the carnival? You never win!

# 8    3/14/2018 1:22:06 PM   
When most of the stock avatars are broken JPGs - you know they don't care and/or seldom look at the site.

I'm here - MAYBE once a week to troll the forums and I see this stuff. I can't immagine someone mildly technical who has the capability to fix it or knows the guy who can, visiting the site once a week and going.. eh.. NBD.
The Broken JPG - my fav