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My swing and it's issues
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My swing and the work that has been done and needs to be done.

My recent work has improved my swing plane. My takeaway is near perfect but I still need to watch the face of the club (midway back it is shut).

On the way down I start down a bit steep. The main issue is my lower body. I am good at getting my hips open, but rather than pivoting around my left leg, I bump my left knee out a bit too far rather than bracing against it.

Overall fairly happy with the changes, but I need to find a way to brace and turn.
Sequence #10
Sequence #9
Sequence #8 - Post Impact
Sequence #7 - Impact
Sequence #6 - Back to Plane
Sequence #5 - A bit steep
Sequence #4 Top of Swing
Sequence #3 On Plane but Face Shut
Sequence #2 On Plane
Swing Sequence #1
# 1    8/31/2017 2:00:21 PM   
All of your swing problems are related to your over sized right forearm.

# 2    8/31/2017 5:21:10 PM   
You are rapidly becoming a psychoanalysts dream study.

# 3    9/1/2017 7:37:47 AM   
I can see from a few frames that, like me, you're eating well. Bravo!

Professional Champion
# 4    9/1/2017 10:33:21 AM   
If you're not hitting it solid with swing, try getting your brain out of the way. Geez, that's a lot you're thinking about...

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 5    9/1/2017 11:00:30 AM   
1-800-DR Phill

Professional Champion
# 6    9/4/2017 12:19:16 PM   
Played golf today.. I was walking, the other guys were riding. Two guys in one cart is hard to keep up with when walking.. So, my game was more sped up than relaxing..chew on that one.

# 7    9/4/2017 3:38:51 PM   

Played golf today.. I was walking, the other guys were riding. Two guys in one cart is hard to keep up with when walking.. So, my game was more sped up than relaxing..chew on that one.

I walk at my club when they allow it...Mon-Thurs and anyday after 2PM.
I played with a high school golfer and he was in a cart. Shot an 86 (about a month ago) because I was hurried. He would gun it and look back at me as I walked up the fairway.