My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: AUSTIN Area #7875
Member Handicap Last Online
ANTHONY POOLE (Disabled golfer)
NH 2/28/2023 8:47:54 PM
NH 9/21/2019 8:03:33 PM
Jack Owen (Golfer)
NH 9/1/2019 5:31:25 PM
vernon smith (vernon smith)
NH 8/1/2019 12:45:48 PM
Rick Smith (Rick Smith)
NH 3/27/2019 7:34:30 PM
Jerry Smith (Golfer)
NH 3/25/2019 5:36:18 PM
Bryan Neal (BNeal)
NH 3/25/2019 7:00:36 AM
Bob McKinley (Golfer)
NH 3/22/2019 12:22:36 PM
Tony Etnyre (Tony Etnyre)
NH 3/21/2019 12:25:08 PM
Mychael Ritterhoff (Mychael Ritterhoff)
NH 3/18/2019 11:28:41 AM
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  • Comments (25)

    Tom prots 10/11/2013 6:54:25 AM
    Thank you Larry for helping the club stay compliant.

    Tom prots 10/10/2013 8:14:26 AM
    ATTENTION! Bigjohn can no longer act as the clubs handicap chair. We are looking for a volunteer to step in. If interested please email us at for full details.

    Randy Wagner 4/16/2013 11:20:13 AM
    Does this club have any type of events at all?? If so when and where??

    Randy Wagner 4/15/2013 9:00:49 AM
    I'm looking to play sometime this week with a member. Preferably Northwest Austin somewhere. Avery, Teravista, Crystal Falls, but anywhere is really ok. Someone give me a shout!!!

    marquee123 7/14/2012 11:30:47 PM
    lets play some golf Peeps!

    A Marie Plevritis 6/1/2012 4:38:49 PM
    I'm looking to play in Salado with a club member. Anyone?
    Thank you

    stefan icenogle 5/14/2012 10:07:18 AM
    Falconhead Golf Now Golf League, Tuesday, May 22nd, tee times starting at 5pm!

    Leah. 6/14/2011 12:12:42 PM
    This is our first Qualifier to win a trip to Vegas! For only $12 you will Spend two nights at the MGM Grand Las Vegas while spending your nights golfing at the Desert Pines Golf Club and/or Royal Links Golf Club! Sponsored by

    jtdoug 12/17/2009 11:14:18 AM is supposed to be sunny and in the 60's. I am going to play somewhere around noon. Anyone want to play?

    LukePriour 11/2/2009 4:30:36 PM
    If anyone ever wants to play during the week, shoot me a message... I work weekends so my weekdays are always wide open and I play all over town.

    jtdoug 9/29/2009 8:49:47 PM
    If anyone wants to play tomorrow or Thursday, post up.

    jtdoug 9/25/2009 11:59:58 PM
    I'll post a new meetup soon. Bear with me-I am up to it in alligators with Thunder in the Pines (

    jtdoug 9/16/2009 7:59:00 AM
    I know what you mean, Chas..but we haven't even gotten started good yet. I'ld say we have taken the first step of a long journey. :)

    withers40 9/15/2009 11:05:40 PM
    I think we just have to continue to plug away and provide opportunities for members to play and see what a great time it is going at it on a level playing field. I'm with Chas, I had a great time and would have even if I didn't get lucky and win. It was great fun competing and feeling the pressure. Let's get that rematch set up and, hopefully, get some more guys wanting a rematch of their own.

    chascwest 9/15/2009 9:27:53 PM
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  • Membership Information
    Club Name: AUSTIN Area #7875
    Official Name: AUSTIN Area #7875
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Texas Golf Association
    Compliant: No
    Members: 400
    Location: AUSTIN TX

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Larry Panther
    Professional Champion
    Handicap#: 3323999