I have not set the date yet, but I need responses as to how many members would participate in this.

Pine Forest Golf Club in Bastrop, Texas. Green fee, cart, lunch and prize money: Entry fee: $50. 

This will be an 18 hole scramble and we wil ask everyone to bring thier GHIN card or a printout with your average strokes over par. We want to try and place an A,B,C&D player on each team for a level playing field. If you have neither, you can tell us your average score, but remember-your club members will be watchig you play, so be honest. 

This is a first chance to meet and have some fun tournament so 100% of the prize money portion of the entry fee will be paid out. Based on a field of 5 teams, payout will be winner take all or $400/team. You would have a one in five chance of winning a few bucks. plus, there will be an optional skins game on one hole n th front nine and one on the back nine. Although the hole selection will be done in advance, no one will know which holes they are until the end of the tournament. For those that don't know, the way that will work is that on that given hole, best team score takes all. If there is a tie on that whole, the winner will be the best score on the next hole and so on. Entry for the skins holes is $10, so if all 20 people enter, tere will 2 skins with a 100% payout of $100 on each of the skins holes. 

This tournament will be held on a Wednesday with tee times starting about 8:00 AM. Unless we have 40 or more sign up (in which case the payouts will be higher and to more places), this will not be a shotgun start. 

Does this sound good to you? Please post a comment on this blog. I would like to secure a date in the next few days. We also have the option of a 2:00 start time. Please...let me know.