Hey everyone, Adams is having a contest over the next few weeks and they are giving away 10 sets of irons to the topp ten in votes in this contest each week.

There is only one and a half days left in this weeks contest and I am stuck at 34th place. I need your help. If you have a facebook account, just sign in at facebook.com and go to this link .... http://www.adamsgolfcontest.com/profile/xoFBV and click Vote Now. The system will prompt you if you would like to receive emails from adams( the choice is up to you) and that's it!!!

You can vote once a day, every day. Also, join the contest for next weeks giveaway, its a great way to pass down time at work. And leave me a message with your link and I will be sure to vote for you!!!

Please help me out guys,  
