I went out Wednesday, June 3, for our weekly Golfaholic's 9 hole, 4 person scramble at The Wilderness. I was up on the practice green trying to work out some of my putting problems when one our my teammates came up with a new putter he was going to demo during the scramble. I asked if he would mind me trying it out to see how it felt. I had been looking at this model in the pro shop for the last couple of weeks and even went on-line to check out the specs on it. I fell in love with it on the first putt! I tried it from several different lines and lengths and was amazed how I could keep the ball on the line I read! So I asked to use it during the game also. I holed the first 4 holes for birdies with our shortest putt being about 8 feet and the longest was around 15 feet. I was truly amazed at the way I was putting with it. I went on to birdie two of the next 5 holes with it. Afterwards my buddy said that if I wanted it that I could make the deal with the pro shop. He wasn't for sure if he really liked it. So I did. Made a great deal on it, too.

The putter is a Never Compromise GM2 Exchange #5. I used the weights that were loaded in it, 10 gram white. (I think that this setup really worked for me tonight!)

Anybody else out there using it? Comments.