I went out to Vets today just after 7 and the Proshop was closed up.  There was some rain coming in and I think that is why they closed early.  Started off with a decent drove on 1 and then hit the second in the bunker, ended up two putting for a bogey.  No. 2 my drive was left but hit a nice 9 iron and just missed the 12 foot birdie putt.  No.3 I was on the left side of the fairway and hit my second a little fat, i'm on the front and the pin is in the back, nice two putt for a par.  No. 4 sucked, hit the trees and lost a ball, ended up two putting for a double.       No. 5 is the #1 handicap hole, a 445 par 4 from the blues.  After a nice drive I was just a hair over 150 and hit a great 8 iron to about 8 feet, and hit the putt right in the heart.  N0. 6 is a 180 yard par 3, pulled it left and ended up with a 5.  No. 7 was another nice drive and another good 8 iron to about 5 feet, nailed the birdie.  No. 8 was a bummer, hit a good drive and the second was not that good but still had a shot at the green.  Put it right over the green and then another chip and two putts for a bogey.  No. 9 was a solid par.  Pretty good drive and a pitch ot the back of the green and a two putt.  Hit some really good shots and was a little bummed with the 40 but I'll take it with the breeze and the rain.