My oldest son is turning four late this summer [August] so this is the year that I will begin to share the game that I love with him.  Obviously, a 3.5 year old has very little attention span, so I'm seeking advice on how to introduce the game to him, how to teach/coach him without driving him away from it, and any other advice from parents that have introduced the game to their kid(s)!  Thanks in advance!

My plan - as of now - is to take him to the range and just let him swing away however he wants...just trying to make contact.  We'll probably also spend time at the practice green chipping and putting; playing games around the green to hold his interest.  He loves games, so I can see this part being a hit for him.

I already have his clubs picked out:

Did I mention that he's left-handed and I'm a rightie?!  Should add an entirely new element and challenge to this!