I’m sure you’ve all heard about these guys and if not, get out from underneath the rock you’ve been living under! :)

Eyeline Golf makes products to help us hackers improve our putting game. Well, not only us hackers, last year 245 touring pros picked up EyeLine Golf equipment.

As you know, one of my resolutions this year is to improve my short game and I’ve been taking lessons with the great Brendon Elliott.

He’s the one who turned me on to these guys and I’ve since picked up the EyeLine Putting Plane Alignment System and the EyeLine Pendulum Putting Rod.

The Putting Plane System is used by 47 touring pros. As the name might imply, the putting plane has a mirrored surface with a black line down the center. This is the line that you align your eyes to, for the correct putting posture, distance from the ball, and swing path.

It also has two adjustable rails, remember as a kid, when you and your family used to go bowling together and they had those bumpers up so you would never throw a gutter ball? Well these rails have a similar function. they train your body to follow a correct swing path and create a smooth, natural, open to close stroke.

I use this at home, on my high-speed-low-drag Target brand putting green! :) I’ve also had my my “next-tiger-woods” son, Aiden, practice his putting using it. His putts were better than mine, but I attribute it to his lower center of gravity…. :)

The Pendulum Putting Rod is currently being used by 112 touring pros and was recently featured in a GolfWeek Article.  Here is the most important excerpt:

“After seeing Charles Howell III working with the EyeLine device, Mike Weir decided to pick one up, and promptly opened the tourney with 21 putts and a round of 61. Also using one: Masters Champion Trevor Immelman.”

If that’s not a testament to the effectiveness of this device, nothing is…

The creator of the Pendulum Putting Rod is a man named Brian Lackey, who works at the Johnny Warren Golf Academy and was named the 2008 Tennessee Teacher of the Year.

The Pendulum Putting Rod creates a connection between the putter and the pivot point of a great stroke, the sternum.  The benefits of using the Pendulum Rod are:

  • A perfect one-piece connection between the shoulders, arms, and hands
  • It helps you stay in perfect posture throughout the stroke. If you lift your head, the rod will fall from your chest.
  • It gives you a consistent way to check your putter shaft angle at address. This creates consistent putter loft and distance control.
  • It keeps your stroke on plane. If you take the putter back outside the line, the Pendulum Putting Rod will fall.

I’ve been using these for about a month now and combined with Brendon Elliotts teachings, I’ve knocked off an average of six strokes from my putting.  Tell me that is not awesome!  It’s no 21 strokes like Mr. Charles Howell III, but, I’m not going to complain about it.. :)

If you’ve picked one up or are planning to do so, I’d like to hear how it’s affected your game.


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