I live out here in the west part of Phoenix, AZ..and today, something very disturbing was published in the local paper. Police have arrested a golfer for allegedly ASSAULTING a 12-year old boy with a golf club and throwing the child into some bushes at a local golf course by my house. The alleged golfer is 36 years old and was booked in the Maricopa County jail on March 1.

The incident took place at 4:20 p.m. on March 1 near the 15th hole. Three children were reportedly picking up discarded golf balls to turn in for money. The police report says as following:

"So they are collecting balls, he [the victim] picks up a ball that "John Doe" believes is his. The children reportedly gave "John Doe" all the golf balls they had collected then two of them ran away. The victim stayed behind and apologized to "John Doe". He then confronts the 12-year old, the situation escalates and he picks the child up over his shoulders and throws him into some bushes, and then struck him across the legs with a golf club."

Another eyewitness account says the following that was posted on a community on-line forum: "The golfer used his golf club to grab the boy by the neck, standing behind him with the club across his throat, he lifted the boy off the ground and swinging his body into the sticker bushes cutting his legs and abdomen in the brush."

The police spokesman claims that this is an "accurate statement" posted on the forum, and that the victim has suffered cuts and bruises during the attack.

What the heck is going on it today's society people? This is so scary, but more importantly very sad. I am so angered, disappointed, that this sort of thing happened. I look to golf as a way to escape the everyday stress that is thrown at me, and to rejuvenate my inner spirit. I ask myself, what would I have done if witnessing this account. My answer is not good, not good at all. I would have probably been booked on assault charges myself, or a victim of assault. Looking at the gentleman photoed in the paper, he looks like an "average Joe".  Reading current forums that are posted, and some responses by members, you almost get the since that a lot of people out there are that close to "going over the edge" during the game of golf. When did the game of golf switch from a relaxing hobby with waves and hand shakes to strangers, to something so far from that. I have seen this type of behavior time and time again on the golf course, and on-line chat sites. Grown adults just seconds from being "John Doe". Since joining different golf sites to chat and learn more about the game, I have witnessed threats on-line, people barking and yelling at one another in discussions, and sometimes rude and crude behavior that is posted. Imagine all of this behavior out on a golf course, you end up seeing a "John Doe". Witnessing how people react to slow play on a course, accidentally identifying the wrong ball when searching in adjacent fairways, etc.. I think we all need to step back and view this sad incident and ask ourselves, "Have I ever been so angered at something or someone to let my mind snap into a temporarily in-sane situation?" If you can answer yes, then odds are you could of been "John Doe". Granted this assault was on a 12yr. old child, but a very similar situation could happen between grown adults. Just take a deep breath, evaluate the situation, and approach it with the most positive results. Before people start jumping down my throat about my opinion about this, briefly glance at forums and read some responses. You can almost get the feel that people are so easily rubbed the wrong way in society today, and they will do anything to have it "there way or the highway". I used to frequently browse and respond to healthy discussions, but lately there hasn't been anything good to talk about. I get on to post my score, enjoy fantasy golf, reply to friends messages, view new topics, then get off. My days and nights used to be 4-8 hours of healthy criticism, good laughs, and great opinions posted. Now, I am lucky to be on for 3 hours a week. No, I am not trying to create a "sob story" for myself, I am simply, "stepping back, taking a deep breath, evaluating the situation, and approaching it with the most positive way I know how." This sad article just happened to light a fire in my butt, and wanted to share something very important to everyone. Thank you all...