Improve Your Game Instantly….Get 20 More Yards Today!
If you haven’t heard a claim like this then most likely you don’t have a TV or have never picked up a golf magazine before. Remember back when titanium drivers first came out? Companies like Callaway and Taylormade seemed to be making claims like this every single year. Hopefully though you have realized by now that if there was still any truth to these marketing ploys…we would all be hitting 450 yard drives by now. Drivers are for the most part all within around 3-5 yards of each other now…so 9 times out of 10…â€Don’t believe the hypeâ€.
There is a way you can get lots more yardage off the tee and it doesn’t even cost near the investment of a $400 driver. But this piece of golf equipment is just as important. And…the company that can get you all this extra yardage isn’t even the one making the claims. That is because like us…they don’t believe in claims…they believe in results. And when it comes to results…there are not many companies that have tested more golf balls then They have tested almost every golf ball a consumer can buy…and ranked and compared them all amongst 7 strict categories:
GolfBallSelector then takes all this information and combines it with the tons of individual swing characteristic analysis they have performed…both with robot testing and real-world testing. A questionnaire is then answered which almost guarantees you results. (sneak-peek at some of the results)
How can they get such accurate results without seeing your swing you say? Well just believe us…they can. Partly because of one of the men behind GolfBallSelector…his name is Mitch Voges and he has been around golf for 40 years…both as a player and broadcaster but most importantly as a fanatic for equipment testing. And he has taken this 40 years of experience and put it directly into the GolfBallSelector testing system and golfer analysis questionnaire you can get yourself today. Mitch is one of the most respected men in the game of golf…not only for his experience in the game but also for his knowledge of the equipment.
Well if you are a regular reader of MGS you probably read our piece on “How-To Get Fit The Right Way!†which covered many of the new ways made available for golfers to improve their game today. But the one constant negative about all the areas we covered in this series was the fact that many weren’t located in convienant areas or the cost of the service was just too high.
But GolfBallSelector has cut both of those hurdles out of the equation. That’s because believe it or not you can actually do this golf ball fitting right from the chair you are sitting in right now. And the cost is super cheap…its under $30 (MyGolfSpy & Stracka Readers Get $5 OFF) for a 1-Year Membership. And many times the ball that it suggests for you…actually saves you money. So this might end up actually saving you more money then you spend today. So there really is no reason not to try it.
P.S. - $5 Coupon (PROMO CODE: OFFER109)
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