Well a couple of you wanted to know how my new golf buddy tour worked out for me. Momma and I went today to play a round with it and I have to tell you I could not be more happy. The fact that I did not have to do anything special to get it started is just a small part of how easy it was to operate. I was pretty amazed how different my club selections were today. I was pulling a 9 iron out when I would usually pull an 8 iron and fly the green. I found out though that I was not hitting the ball as far off the drive as I thought that I was( that was a little disappointing) I drove it an average of 265 yds which was just fine with me. The features on the golf buddy were easy to navigate. You can manually switch holes or it automatically switches for you. If you are playing a course that the fairways are really close together it is better to do it manually so that it does not get confussed. also from what I could tell it was very accurate. My distances were right on.( My accuracy could use some work but that is my fault). To top it all off there is now annual fee and it comes with thousands of courses all ready on it. all you have to do is turn it on and it automatically pulls up the course you are on and you are good to go. Also, you can mark your ball so that you can see exactly how far you are hitting it, and keep your scores. I would recommend it to anyone that is thinking about getting one