Cobra Bite! and leaves its mark!!
Updated: 10/16/2009 8:47:45 PM
Oct 2009 update. Well the shaft to my new LD F broke. Unfortunately Cobra wouldnt cover it after 6 months. However I found a great opportunity similar to how Penicillin was found. BY ACCIDENT!. I found a 2008 LD-M with a 50gram x stiff shaft. I swung and PASSED THE LD-F IN DISTANCE!!!! That and 10 mph faster swing speed. So I raced back to the club builder and matched a shaft as close as possible the other shaft. Another 100.00 later with new smaller hybrid grip and off to the range to compare the play. Swing speed was nearly the same and consistent 250y on the FLY!! and with control, THE BEST PART. This has certainly been a year of learning. I have to thank the fellow bloggers, the players who love golf and those kind enough to share their triumphs. I find it amazing with matching the technology and ball testing what can be accomplished. Well I will be back again soon.
Well officially in the 2008 technology now. Cobra LD F produced 70 more yards for me and I am sure once I use it outside the distances will be larger. It really put the Taylor Made R5 to shame and I thought the R5 was THE club. I compliment the Taylor Made R5 as it was a straight hitter for me. I could hit it an average of 240 with a nice mid trajectory and a slight fade not far off center. When comparing it against like conditions with the LD F the cobra gave a carry of 253 yards with a slight draw and on center. Carry to me is more important, especially when trying to take fairway hazards out of play. The LP's shot dispersion was minimal even when trying to crush it, AND I CAN HIT IT OFF THE TOE!! What a sweetspot!
How has everyone else done with getting into new techology? Any great gains? Gains with ball and club combinations?