Okay, I realize there are some really good golfers on here that would cringe at shooting an 87 on a relativly easy course. But for a high handicapper like me who just got back in the game this year after a 20 year absence, this is a milestone. 20 years ago I gave up the game out of frustration at never getting out of the mid-90's.  I've slowly seen improvement this year after deciding that patience, brought on by an extra 20 years of maturity,  combined with plenty of practice coupled with some lessons will be the ticket to getting out of the 90's.  While I'm not out yet, this was a milestone of sorts and a very enjoyable round. I've stopped adding up the score or even tracking it in my mind until I'm finished with all 18. I knew I had a decent round and I had butterflies in my stomach as I added up my scorecard. I know that sounds silly but heck, golf does strange things to people!
Thanks for listening!